How Bitcoin Slipped Through My Fingers

in LeoFinance4 months ago

There is always regret in human life and this will continue till the end of the life. The reason is that humans are not angels and we are here to commit mistakes and errors. We learn from mistakes but must not repeat the same mistake again and again.

Specially in the realm of Finance and investment mistakes should not be repeated otherwise you will be destroyed and will get back 10 years atleast. Surely, we all have made mistakes regarding investing and there is regret for every one of us.

I am remember when in 2009 Bitcoin was launched and the price of it was around $0.0009 each 1 Bitcoin. This is the price which you cant even trust and believe that one #Bitcoin was around $0.0009.

But this is the reality that 13 years back the price of Bitcoin was exactly the same which I written. This is my greatest regret since now that I did not buy at least 10 #Bitcoin at that time. I was informed about the launching of Bitcoin but I thought it was a fake project.

People were there at that time who did buy a pizza with a number of Bitcoin and what about those who have done this. They may be crying right now that why they sell this coin with at least one pizza.

What if I invested in Bitcoin in 2009. If I only had bought 10 Bitcoin what had be my financial history? Where was my wealth right now and where was I? These are the questions which really makes me sad.

If I could had bought 10 Bitcoin it costs me around $0.009 which is not even countable. This is the amount if I could have invested at that time and I must be rich now. But unfortunately, I was not risk taker and I did not consider even to buy newly launched Bitcoin.

Ten Bitcoins which I calculate at the current price I would get around $960,000 which is equal to 273600000 PKR. The amount which I may enjoy my whole life and help my new generation by supporting them.

This is the greatest mistake I made in my life. Memorizing that time I have invested in #hive in a sense that it will make my wealth. I wont repeat the same mistake and wont regret again.

What about you guys regarding financial regret? What is the mistake you made which put you far away from becoming a wealthy person? Will be glad to see your answers in the comment section.

I hope you find this post useful and informative. If you do, please remember to reblog it so that it reaches as many people as possible and that they can benefit the most from it. Also, remember to upvote, which will help me financially and grow my account.


Thank You!
Best Wishes.


Bitcoin had 0 adoption back then. It's the same reason I didn't buy 100 off my mate a $1 a piece back in Jan 2011...No one, even tech savy computer nerds like me at the time truly understood crypto back then. Very few bothered to spend the time learning about it. Hence why 99% of people who did have that one crazy friend tell them that Bitcoin exists and it = Internet money = The future, most of us sat back and said 'Well it sounds cool, but you would literally need millions of people to adopt it and place perceived value on it. And perceived value only comes once it has a real usecase' and back then usecase was lacking severely and so we didn't buy and Bitcoin became a back of the mind thing for many years.

Better late than never friend. But if you look at the money waiting to come in to BTC now (Banks, Corps, even Countries where the bulk of the money still to come in is), you'll find your still early enough to carve out a nice retirement plan from here.

True, you needed A LOT of fantasy and conviction about Bitcoin to anticipate that future we are living now. Very few had that. Those who did. Are todays OGs. ✊🏻

Completely agree with you. This will be still a good time to invest because it will have a brighter future. Many people will regret when the see the price of $bitcoin at $500K or maybe $100K

I don't think this counts as a mistake, no one knew this would be the generational wealth opportunity it has become, I never heard about bitcoin until the bullrun in 2017, and only started buying in 2019 but still the prices then compared to now are amazing - a 15x between then and now!

I agree with you. But it was a bit famous investment at that time

How did you hear about the Launch of Bitcoin back in 2009? You were on the cypherpunk mailing list?

You can find from Google.. This is just assumption if I had invested...

This is just assumption if I had invested...

That makes a bit more sense. When I found out about Bitcoin in Jan 2011, you had to part seas to find others who knew about it, let alone have a friend like I did mining multiple bitcoin a day on a dual core PC! I don't even know how he found out about it in late 2010! We have lost touch since then so I never found out how he knew, let alone understood the importance of mining as much as possible as fast as possible before it 'took off' Last I heard of him, he lived in one of the most expensive towns of my city and doesn't talk about his bitcoin anymore (probably due to fear of friends like me, these days, he spilled his mouth to about the 1000s he mined in 2010/2011).