Steem Monsters - Результаты (Results)

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Screenshot_20210131 Splinterlands  Collect, Trade, Battle .png

Ну что можно сказать, результаты с второй сезон подряд утверждают что либо я ленивая жопа, либо резко ухудшил свой уровень игры, либо боты из первого чемпиона теперь висят в золоте да бриле. Что вполне предсказуемо, ведь по уверениям разработчиков все стало более честно.

Well, what can I say, the results for the second season in a row say that either I'm a lazy asshole, or I have dramatically worsened my level of play, or the bots from the first champion are now hanging in gold and brill. Which is quite predictable, because according to the assurances of the developers, everything has become more honest.

Match Report


Stat #
Diamond Rank 448
Rating 2999 - Diamond III
Rating High 3111
Total Rating Movements (+-) 6145
Ranked Ratio (Win/Loss+Draw) 1.02 (149/146/3)
Tournament Ratio (Win/Loss+Draw) NaN (0/0/0)
Longest Streak 14
Highest Rated Win vs @glittershine (3222)

Ага, я опять закончил в третьем бриле, хоть и коснулся второго. За весь сезон ни разу не взял награду второго бриля. Но учитывая то, что получается по Ranked Ratio - это вообще невероятная удача. Мы же помним, обычно победа это плюс x поинтов плюс, а поражение минус 3*x

Yeah, I ended up again in the third shave, although I touched the second. Never took a second shave award throughout the season. But considering what comes out on the Ranked Ratio, this is generally an incredible luck. We remember that usually victory is plus x points plus, and defeat is minus 3 * x

Top 10 Summoner Usage

Summoner Frequency Teams Fielded Win Rate
Alric Stormbringer 57 20.43% 47.37%
Malric Inferno 51 18.28% 49.02%
Daria Dragonscale 42 15.05% 59.52%
Lyanna Natura 40 14.34% 55.00%
Tyrus Paladium 37 13.26% 45.95%
Zintar Mortalis 32 11.47% 43.75%
Tyrus Paladium 16 5.73% 62.50%
Delwyn Dragonscale 4 1.43% 25.00%

Malric Inferno как второй по использованию говорит только о том, что квестов в этом сезоне под него было невероятно много, а третья Daria Dragonscale о том, что я начал ее использовать при боях Alric Stormbringer

Malric Inferno, as the second in use, only says that there were incredibly many quests for it this season, and the third Daria Dragonscale that I started using it in battles Alric Stormbringer

Top 100 Monster Usage

Monster Frequency Teams Fielded Win Rate
Furious Chicken 97 34.77% 56.70%
Silvershield Warrior 65 23.30% 49.23%
Cave Slug 65 23.30% 50.77%
Armorsmith 62 22.22% 53.23%
Silvershield Knight 62 22.22% 48.39%
Water Elemental 49 17.56% 40.82%
Ruler of the Seas 48 17.20% 47.92%
Crystal Jaguar 44 15.77% 54.55%
Silvershield Assassin 40 14.34% 47.50%
Earth Elemental 38 13.62% 63.16%
Cerberus 38 13.62% 52.63%
Creeping Ooze 38 13.62% 57.89%
Wave Runner 38 13.62% 42.11%
Sea Monster 37 13.26% 43.24%
Flesh Golem 37 13.26% 59.46%
Kobold Miner 34 12.19% 50.00%
Sea Genie 31 11.11% 48.39%
Haunted Spider 30 10.75% 46.67%
Captain's Ghost 29 10.39% 37.93%
Goblin Thief 29 10.39% 62.07%
Spineback Turtle 28 10.04% 39.29%
Fire Beetle 24 8.60% 54.17%
Haunted Spirit 21 7.53% 38.10%
Skeleton Assassin 20 7.17% 50.00%
Khmer Princess 20 7.17% 55.00%
Goblin Mech 18 6.45% 44.44%
Giant Scorpion 18 6.45% 44.44%
Pyromancer 18 6.45% 38.89%
Mitica Headhunter 17 6.09% 47.06%
Crustacean King 16 5.73% 43.75%
Electric Eels 15 5.38% 66.67%
Cursed Slimeball 15 5.38% 60.00%
Twisted Jester 15 5.38% 46.67%
Naga Fire Wizard 15 5.38% 13.33%
Spineback Wolf 14 5.02% 28.57%
Javelin Thrower 14 5.02% 57.14%
Ice Pixie 14 5.02% 57.14%
Minotaur Warrior 14 5.02% 64.29%
Screeching Vulture 14 5.02% 71.43%
Nectar Queen 13 4.66% 46.15%
Fire Elemental 13 4.66% 38.46%
Flame Monkey 13 4.66% 53.85%
Medusa 13 4.66% 38.46%
Battering Ram 12 4.30% 33.33%
Feral Spirit 12 4.30% 75.00%
Living Lava 11 3.94% 45.45%
Divine Healer 10 3.58% 80.00%
Serpentine Spy 10 3.58% 40.00%
Wood Nymph 10 3.58% 40.00%
Phantom Soldier 9 3.23% 11.11%
Molten Ogre 9 3.23% 44.44%
Giant Roc 9 3.23% 11.11%
Sand Worm 9 3.23% 44.44%
Peacebringer 8 2.87% 87.50%
Kobold Bruiser 8 2.87% 37.50%
Exploding Dwarf 8 2.87% 50.00%
Fineas Rage 7 2.51% 71.43%
Biceratops 7 2.51% 57.14%
Screaming Banshee 6 2.15% 50.00%
Barking Spider 6 2.15% 50.00%
Ettin Spearman 6 2.15% 16.67%
Goblin Dartling 5 1.79% 100.00%
Dark Enchantress 5 1.79% 20.00%
Undead Badger 5 1.79% 80.00%
Fineas Rage 5 1.79% 40.00%
Centauri Mage 5 1.79% 20.00%
Bone Golem 4 1.43% 0.00%
Torhilo the Frozen 4 1.43% 0.00%
Pirate Archer 4 1.43% 50.00%
Albatross 4 1.43% 50.00%
Magma Troll 4 1.43% 0.00%
Rexxie 4 1.43% 0.00%
Undead Archer 4 1.43% 100.00%
Mushroom Seer 3 1.08% 100.00%
Robo-Dragon Knight 3 1.08% 66.67%
Maggots 3 1.08% 100.00%
Silvershield Sheriff 3 1.08% 100.00%
Undead Priest 3 1.08% 33.33%
Phantasm 2 0.72% 50.00%
Octopider 2 0.72% 50.00%
Undead Rexx 2 0.72% 0.00%
Serpentine Soldier 2 0.72% 100.00%
Goblin Shaman 2 0.72% 0.00%
Shadowy Presence 2 0.72% 50.00%
Battle Orca 2 0.72% 50.00%
Ant Miners 2 0.72% 50.00%
Animated Corpse 2 0.72% 100.00%
Warrior of Peace 2 0.72% 100.00%
Air Elemental 2 0.72% 100.00%
Naga Brute 2 0.72% 100.00%
Pit Ogre 2 0.72% 50.00%
Shieldbearer 1 0.36% 0.00%
Sabre Shark 1 0.36% 100.00%
Elven Defender 1 0.36% 0.00%
Peaceful Giant 1 0.36% 0.00%
Elven Mystic 1 0.36% 0.00%
Sand Worm 1 0.36% 100.00%
Centauri Mage 1 0.36% 100.00%
Baby Unicorn 1 0.36% 0.00%
Serpent of Eld 1 0.36% 0.00%

Сотня монстров которых использовал в боях. Мы же помним, что я один из тех девяти дураков, которые арендуют больше 100 карт (точнее я 140)

Hundreds of monsters used in battles.
We remember that I am one of those nine fools who rent more than 100 cards (more precisely, I am 140)

Win Rate by Ruleset

Ruleset Frequency Win Rate
Healed Out 41 43.90%
Close Range 34 38.24%
Earthquake 32 18.75%
Equalizer 30 50.00%
Reverse Speed 25 52.00%
Super Sneak 23 65.22%
Stampede 21 57.14%
Odd Ones Out 20 55.00%
Unprotected 20 50.00%
Weak Magic 20 80.00%
Broken Arrows 19 42.11%
Heavy Hitters 18 44.44%
Fog of War 18 27.78%
Taking Sides 18 38.89%
Aim True 16 50.00%
Lost Legendaries 15 46.67%
Rise of the Commons 15 60.00%
Equal Opportunity 15 73.33%
Lost Magic 15 60.00%
Melee Mayhem 14 35.71%
Up Close & Personal 14 71.43%
Armored Up 14 42.86%
Little League 13 69.23%
Keep Your Distance 13 46.15%
Even Stevens 11 54.55%
Back to Basics 10 10.00%
Target Practice 10 60.00%
Silenced Summoners 7 57.14%
Standard 2 100.00%

Вот эта статистика на мой взгляд говорит о том, что выпадение правил боя не случайно. Просто смотрю на цифры и думаю о том, ну какая же здесь случайность

This statistics, in my opinion, suggests that the fallout of the battle rules is not accidental. I just look at the numbers and think about, well, what an accident here

Rewards Report

Standard Foil Cards

Rarity Quantiy DEC
Common 30 300
Rare 14 560
Epic 1 200
Legendary 0 0
Total Standard 45 1060
Gold Foil Cards
Rarity Quantiy DEC
Common 0 0
Rare 0 0
Epic 0 0
Legendary 0 0
Total Gold 0 0

Loot Chests

Reward Chests Dailies Season Total DEC
Legendary Potions 19 10 29 1160
Alchemy Potions 22 9 31 1550
DEC 3266 305 - 3571
UNTAMED Packs 0 0 0 0
Cards (Total) 30 15 45 1060

Captured DEC (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play Wins DEC Earned
149 4985

Total Ranked Play Rewards

Total Ranked Play Earnings
12326 DEC

Огромное спасибо за зелья. Готов спорить, что многие с удовольствием сожги то что у них накоплено в зельях за 10% от "стоимости"

Thank you so much for the potions. I would argue that many will gladly burn what they have accumulated in potions for 10% of the "cost"

Итак сезон мне принес 12326 DEC минус 2700 DEC зелья которые бесполезны. 49 Hive я потратил на ренту, по текущим ценам это 10150 DEC. Значит удовольствие поиграть мне стоило 524 DEC. Ну что же, не дорого...

So the season brought me 12326 DEC minus 2700 DEC potions which are useless.
I spent 49 Hive on annuities, which is 10150 DEC at current prices. So the pleasure to play cost me 524 DEC.
Well, it's not expensive ...

Навеяно Тузлой от @splinterstats


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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta



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