Excellent post with a very simple explanation. I've written a couple of books about Web3 social media, both of which discuss Hive in the best light. Web3 Social: How Creators Are Changing Social Media will launch in mid-February. I'm looking for launch team members. I'm asking for one of three different levels of commitment from launch team members based on each person's time availability and personal choice. Here are the options:
- Buy the book on launch day, leave a review, and tell everyone you know about it (friends, coworkers, social networks, etc.)
- Buy the book and review it
- Just buy the book
You can choose your level of participation. If interested, you can sign up right here.
Thanks! Keep posting great content.
I'm glad you found my post good. I wish you success in the launch of your book.
Thanks for reading through and taking time to drop a nice comment @allentaylor
You're welcome. Best of luck to you too!