How To Claim $FORTH for an Exchange's Address

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

Tl;dr: if you’ve interacted with AMPL on-chain, you are eligible to claim FORTH tokens.
Ampleforth guys

Unfortunately, those of you who have withdrawn AMPL tokens directly to your exchange account cannot claim FORTH tokens.
Igor Tomic of Publish0x

By now probably everybody knows about Ampleforth's FORTH airdrop. Anyone who ever messed with AMPL is eligible to claim free FORTH tokens. Or rather, everyone who messed with AMPL using their own wallet. In other words, if you were sending AMPL from exchange to exchange directly -- it's kinda tricky to claim your FORTH now.

Fortunately, it is still doable somehow.

UPD. Be sure to read my follow-up article BEFORE claiming the airdrop!

Actually, your exchange account is probably still eligible for the airdrop, the problem is that you don't have the account's keys (it's the exchange that owns them) so you can't sign and pay for the claim transaction. In this case claiming "your" FORTH is a bit tricky (if possible at all).

Today I want to show how I claimed my FORTH for my AMPL account at Hotbit and Kucoin (I used them for AMPL withdrawals from Publish0x).

Even though the method worked for me, I don't guarantee it will work for you, at Hotbit or any other exchange.

  • Take a Metamask (or your own "self-hosted" wallet) ETH address with some ETH in it (to pay fees)
  • On the exchange compare your AMPL address and FORTH address -- they must be the same!
  • Go to the FORTH claim form and connect (login) to it with your wallet's account (by default you'll see 0 claimable FORTH for it)
  • Edit the claiming address: click Edit button on the right, paste your exchange AMPL/FORTH address in, click the button again:
  • You will see the claimable FORTH balance for your exchange's AMPL account
  • Click the Claim button -- the contract will withdraw the fees (like 0.015 ETH) from your Metamask account and send FORTH to your exchange FORTH account.

That's all.

Yesterday I made a story about my FORTH luck and got a comment:

this story sounds like a bad work of fiction to me

Well, if it does -- it does.

Once again, this method worked for me twice, on Hotbit and Kucoin. However, I don't guarantee it will work for you, even on Hotbit or Kucoin.

This time everyone has to make his leap of faith hisself.

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