I am a relative latecomer to crypto - I came in at the height of DeFi and was huge on Avalanche at the time. I still have a soft spot for the team behind Trader Joe. The aesthetics of it blew me away the first time I saw it.
Somewhere about 2 and years back I read something about Splinterlands and made an account to try it out. I played a day or two and then got busy with other things, and I effectively didn't come back to HIVE till about 2 weeks ago.
I remember the notification about HIVE Keys, and wondered at the time why it needed 4 different keys. I looked briefly at PEAKD and Leo Finance at the time, but for whatever reason it just didn't click for me.
It's coalescing more and more for me though, I still have some technical gaps but I feel more comfortable articulating why people would want to use it and how to get started with it.