
3speak mobile app is now available in Android and the apple store.


I still tried uploading my video on the App but I got sad with what happened thereafter.

ios or android?


should not be any issue bif if you face then report to the team.

I planned to do that then but it skipped my mind. I will do that later. Thank you.

what's the good news/?

haha.. no good news

why no good news :c u just said there's good news

for you as you dont use 3speak :)

I haven't yet but I will be eventually one day :c

hopefully.. lol

yes i will just need to wait until i have the inspiration

hehe.. you will surely get it some day or one day

maybe but probably not for finance or crypto stuff lol maybe food


Android was available already but ios took time as apple is strict with approval.


approval is really needed.

Now you can uploaded long videos as well as shorts using the mobile phone.
Its easy and convenient.

I uploaded a video and it got stuck. I used the web to post my video on Hive. 7 days later, the same video that was posted got posted again through the app. I had to explain myself so HW won´t think I was trying to post the same thing.


I have not tried the app but will give it a try soon. I am a 3speak content creator.


I try to connect my hive account to 3speak but fail.


Check out for more details


I saw they launch their IOS app