We definitely need this !
I've seen preliminary statistics from the recent US election which appear to show what might be politely called "anomalous data" - of the states with no voter ID requirement, all had a significantly higher turnout than other states, and all except one gave the Democrats victories which were an order of magnitude above the difference between the two parties in other states, as well as not matching pre-election polling. While a few (California, New York etc) might really have returned these results, the overall picture is a concern.
More locally to me, Woking in the 2000's was notorious for electoral fraud from 2000 to 2018, when it became one of the first UK constituencies to trial voter ID. Apocryphally, at one general election there were more postal votes from a specific demographic than there were electors in the whole constituency even before in-person voting started !
Indeed. ALso the latest Trump elections, were Biden won, were considered one of the biggest election fraud in history
Yep, one of the greatest trolls of all time was the Russians pointing out that their election had thousands of international observers, while the 2020 US election had 67 from friendly countries only, and they were only allowed to watch the voting but weren't allowed entry to see the counting process.
I followed the aftermath with interest; all the legal challenges were thrown out on procedural grounds of various types, so the evidence was never actually tested in court.
Fun fact is that Trump won in all the jurisdiction where ID proof was required while Dems won in al the places where ID proof was not required. Just a coincidence?
Yep, I saw that. It's possible that some of those states were ones where the Democrats would have won anyway, but the actual numbers even there fall into the realm of what might politely be described as "a statistical anomaly".
I saw similar here at the recent General Election. Our constituency were good at checking ID's and while we were at the polling station voting we saw a family with 6 voters being turned away because their ID documents clearly showed they weren't English citizens. But how many people voted in constituencies that weren't as good at checking ID's, or gave in to the seriously pushy attitude we saw being used ?