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RE: Defund the Platform Authorities

in LeoFinance3 months ago

Good post ! Another issue with centralised platforms is that they're too closely tied to governments. The governments know who is in charge if they need to lean on them to implement policies or agendas. Plus, there's just too much money swilling around. The platforms can use it to buy influence, and governments can threaten to extract it in taxation or fines if the platforms don't toe the line.

But somehow, we do need to get more money into decentralised platforms, either fees from users or charges for services, advertising etc from non-users. Earning actual revenue will enable development to be supported and advertising to be done to raise awareness among non-users.


The way to get more wealth in Hive is to get more owners. One of the great things about Hive is the low cost of entry and the opportunity to gain rewards without investing any fiat (of course, you can do that as well if you want to).

We have resources in the DHF for developing and promoting Hive and gaining an audience, without ad revenue which I would be reluctant to see for lots of reasons. Although even there, the best way of growing is word of mouth.

Build some decent applications on Hive or in crypto, and it will start the shift.

Yep - I keep thinking there are a few apps we should have that we don't seem to right now. I spent the afternoon trawling apps to see what's out there - I've found 253 so far, but only checked less than a quarter to see if they're still live and what they do. I'm definitely identifying a gap or two, so I wonder if I should learn to code enough to start doing something about that. Not sure where I'd find the time, and sadly I don't have the personal funds to pay developers !

But longer term, I think we need to find something that doesn't exist yet, that people would want enough to spur mass adoption, and that works on Web3 in a way that can't be easily imitated by Web2 companies with endless funds. I appreciate that is a VERY big ask !

You should definitely learn to code. It is so hard to find good coders who will consistently build (and then update) your projects. You can truly only rely on yourself so I think coding would be an incredible investment of your time.

But somehow, we do need to get more money into decentralised platforms,

For sure. There has to be more willing to come in, than extracted out like it is currently. I think this is one of the issues in crypto in general, because as I hacve said earlier, people are looking to buy themselves a better fiat life.