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RE: Time for Change: Exploring the Five-Point Plan for Political Revolution

in LeoFinance2 years ago

It's a nice idea, but some parts would be incredibly difficult to implement.

For example, would family members of congress members and senators also be banned from stock trading ? When does "pillow talk" turn into insider dealing ? Who gets to write this code of ethics, and is it just a way to enthrone the current agenda indefinitely ? Should the code of ethics be subject to review on a fixed timescale ? What sanctions would be in place for someone who breaks any of these rules ?

Something I think should be added to the mix is a requirement that all proposed legislation should address only a single item. End pork-barrel politics where utterly unrelated issues are stuffed into a bill as part of the negotiations process. Each bill should also have adequate time to be debated and scrutinised. No more "vote it in and then you can see what's in the thousands of pages".

The real issue with Western politics (in all countries - I'm from the UK, and it's just as bad here) is that most countries have a 2-party system, or a governing coalition and an opposition one which amounts to the same thing. But the government and opposition are far closer to each other in every way than they are to the people they are supposed to represent. They've merged to become a paternalistic, elite uni-party which pushes the WEF agenda no matter what the ordinary people want.


You bring up a lot of great points and questions. Personally, I am not entirely sure what the best answers are to the issues you raise. However, my rebuttal would be that simply getting Term Limits and Stock Trading Ban implemented within the government will be a momentous day for accountability and a brighter future. Once these are passed and implemented, I believe we could start getting into the nitty-gritty.

I say all this because I truly believe that the country cannot take much more years of this advanced corrpution. We need these leaders, who have been in office for decades, to be ousted as soon as possible.