This is very cool! I like pirates. I never understood why more people don't become pirates, but there you go, maybe when there's no work for me to do I can do this kind of thing.
The only thing is, I'm not sure I have the right tools to make them. I'm not sure what size of paper they are supposed to be printed on. The size of the paper it's printed on varies with the size of the paper itself, though, so that has a whole other factor it's dealing with.
There's some pretty complicated math involved in that. What kind of size paper do you usually buy to print these, to keep the costs down?
I love the pirate hats and their names. Especially the one with "Dr. Doolittle" and the one with "Sir Francis". Those would make for good nicknames for real-life pirates.
I would love to know how to get a copy of the code you use to make them.
My friend, this is all handmade on top of a photograph, there are no codes here, as in the construction of fractals.
I was observing your technique and it is fascinating! Reminds me of iterations of the big sleep. I notice the photograph and have it in front of me...I am really enjoying it. I am wondering if I should try it before bed. Just might.
Thank you very much for your kind words. I do everything in a free program on, I like it.