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RE: dCity for Homeless Charity / Call for a European Homeless Charity Program

in LeoFinance3 years ago

As I live on a rock in the middle of the Atlantic I will nominate the only thing done in my small town of 20.000 people.
Ungfru Ragnheidur
They provide basic healthcare, food and clean needles for homeless in Akureyri.
As I know many of the unfortunate that use their service I know how vital they are.
I support the initiative you are making with the homeless city, and will soon put my hive where my mouth is and support the city in a real way!


Do you have some more "solid" information about that "Ungfru Ragnheidur"

No I do not because there is no more, people in Iceland seem oblivious to the growing population of homeless people. I didn’t find anything more solid than a Facebook page 😔