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RE: Finance & Stability: Man's Intuitive Knack For Progression (1)

in LeoFinancelast year

A milestone after another gives us the illusion of meaningfulness in our lives. That's why we keep on setting them one after the other.

How much is too much?
There is not an specific answer to it. With time I have come to realize that whatever you have already acquired start appearing less. There comes a fear what would happen if you loose it and you have no other opportunity to earn it again after the loss. It derives us to acquire more and more


A milestone after another gives us the illusion of meaningfulness in our lives. That's why we keep on setting them one after the other.

We absolutely need this sense of purpose because if not, what would be the meaning of our lives? We need a sense of purpose and achieving milestones, creates that idea that we have a sense of direction in life. Thank you for taking cognizance of this.