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RE: Knocking out the bear

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Concuerdo contigo, es muy probable que haya una correccion profunda en el precio del BTC, lo cual es normal y sano para el mercado, el detalle es que la ultima correccion duro aproximadamente 3 años, lo cual para un inversionista a corto y mediano plazo es mucho tiempo.
Si eres un inversionista a largo plazo, al precio que compres el BTC va a estar barato, pero si vas a corto plazo o mediano plazo, es un buen momento para proteger algo del capital ganado.

I agree with you, it is very likely that there will be a deep correction in the price of BTC, which is normal and healthy for the market, the detail is that the last correction lasted approximately 3 years, which for a short and medium term investor is long time.
If you are a long-term investor, at the price you buy the BTC will be cheap, but if you go short or medium term, it is a good time to protect some of the earned capital.

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