If we really wanted to make the world a better place, there would be no defense spending at all, except that against asteroids, or from alien attack. If we wanted to improve the air, we would be spending as much as we could on better energy sources and storage. If we wanted to improve human wellbeing, we would be spending on preemptive healthcare.
If we were angels from heaven, literally speaking, the appointment would possibly come to life. But, we are demons -also truly arguing-. An old saying goes “paper holds everything”, another “words are carried away by the hundred”, we would spend hours and hours arguing, and our conclusions would not have any effect.
We are all just rats in the lab.
The economy is just taking notes.
We certainly are, but not only in the economy. We are abandoned offal on this wonderful planet, and what we do day by day is to subsist, to fulfill a cycle of life…
Subsistence is not living in my opinion. Survival as a life is the mindset of animals with low mental capacity. I think we should be able to do better.
LOL!!!, we have more than 200,000 years of “doing it better” and yet we still rigorously fulfil the cycle of life -we are born, we reproduce and goodbye cruel world -and the same biological functions -eating, sleeping, defecating-… Nothing has changed!