Scammer alert - Public service announcement

in LeoFinance7 months ago (edited)

That was too close for comfort. I nearly got scammed out of my Hive account. After over 7 years on chain, I almost made a fatal mistake. I was talking to who I thought was a trusted party but it turned out it was an imposter. Luckily I survived to tell the tale because if I didn't all my work at building this account would have been gone. I am telling this story to hopefully keep other safe and make them alert to the danger. There are a lot of scammers in crypto and there is no mammy you can run to when you have been taken for all you have.

The storm before the storm

My story starts on Thursday morning when I was getting error messages in Peakd about not being able to load messages and transactions failing. I thought it might be an API issue so I tried different ones but still the same problem. I checked the Speed on API nodes and they all showed an error. I shut down my computer and hoped a reboot would fit it. It didn't.

Later I opened Discord and asked if anyone was having similar problems. Nobody was. Then I got a message from Engrave[Witness} asking for my account name so he could check it out. That's service for you and one of the reasons I vote for Him as Witness. It's the same as my Discord name so I passed it over. They then sent me a DM so we could work on a solution outside the public eye.

Below is our conversation.


I was all in with this conversation up to the point where he suggested I use a site I had never heard of before. One that was outside the Hive ecosystem. I had never heard of validating a wallet before either. Something was fishy.

I decided I needed to do some more research before diving in. It was late and I wanted my wits about me before I did any mucking around with wallet stuff.

Then I saw it. His Discord name said he had only registered on July 4 2024. I knew Engrave had been around much longer than that.

What to do? I ran back to Peakd and between lots of error messages I sent Demotruk a private chat asking him what he thought. I have known Demotruk since I joined Hive and he understands the blockchain better than I do. I sent him some screenshots but because it was late he was offline.

Soon after I got more messages from Engrave[witness] on Discord.


He was trying to rush me into validating. I then knew for sure things were not right.

How was I going to play this? I wanted to be sure that I was not being insulting to Engrave if all of this happened to be legit but I needed to buy time to keep the potential scammer on the line.

I went back to Peakd and privately messaged Engrave there. I have never had any personal interactions with him and hoped I wouldn't be annoying him especially if it was one and the same that I was interacting with on Discord.

Luckily he was available and saw my message. (I won't screenshot them here out of respect for his privacy) He said It wasn't him and gave me some cautionary advice. I was so lucky I could reach him. I true gentleman and worthy of a Witness vote.

Back on Discord I sent another message to the scammer hoping I could waste more of his time. I now had my private key in hand and wondered what he would want me to do now. Unfortunately, I couldn't stop myself and made a joke which was obviously enough to show that he was found out and the game was up.


He quickly changed his screen name to @ Jamie, but the account name Wade09468 obviously stayed the same.

The real Engrave alerted the Mods as did I that a scammer was lurking around.

So that's that. I was lucky I had learned the first rule of Crypto club and that is to keep your keys safe and private. But, I will be the first to admit that it had been close. I was tired and could have very easily giving up the keys out of delirium and frustration that my account seemed to be acting the maggot.


Here is the site he sent me to. I looked kind of legit but the links at the top just bring you to the same page.

For the fun of it, I clicked on Validate Wallet So you don't have to. It brings up a whole list of cryptocurrencies. I wonder how many poor souls were taken in by this.


Hive was nowhere to be seen but at the bottom you could add other wallets and there you got this.


Simple enough to write in your private key and then all your funds and more importantly all the work you have been doing to build your account would be gone.

Be safe out there people. Your keys are yours alone. I would suggest using them once to set up Hive Keychain and then put them away safely from your computer. There are a lot of scum bags just looking to take advantage of technically naive people.

The saga continues

So where am I now? My account is still giving me issues with various error messages popping up like below. I don't know what is going and and I would appreciate any help. Just don't ask me to type my private key anywhere.


Error retrieving comments, please try again in a few moments

Error retrieving current conversion requests, please try again in a few moments

Error during 'claim rewards' broadcast:
Failed to fetch

Sometimes it seems to work, other times not. Maybe it is some sort of configuration in my browser. Again, any help is welcome.

Thank you to @engrave ( the real one) and the @demotruk for messaging me the next day. Hope you don't mind the tag but thank you.


After publishing this blog I did a bit more messing around and tried Firefox with the keychain extension. Everything is working now So the issue must be with either Brave or the keychain extension on there getting confused. I will try a reinstall as I prefer Brave and it is good that I have a second option if this were to happen again. Thanks for all the advice I've received.


I had to giggle about cleaning ketchup off your private key napkin, make sure you don't confuse that napkin with all the other napkins XD

Good thing you were awake enough to note something wasn't quite right O_O and also it was fortunate you had people that you could reach out to for help, I feel like where people really get stuck/scammed is if they don't have that x_x

I kind of vaguely remember something similar happening a bit back but I think my problem was to do with Hive Keychain and it was somewhat mitigated by using peaklock for a bit instead (I've been back to Hive Keychain with no dramas). I will double check to see if I get the same rewards claim problem as you (it throws an error every so often which looks kind of vaguely similar but I haven't actually looked at it properly as it seems that it does actually do what it's supposed to be doing despite crying about it.

I will remember, I have mayonnaise on the one with my bitcoin address.

Account security is something you get much more serious about after a close call like this. Being able to reset password like on other services had lulled me into a false sense of security. I was lucky that I could contact people through HiveChat.

I will be updating this post soon because I have resolved my error issues. Turns out it was either Brave browser of the Keychain plugin there. I tried using Firefox and everything is OK there.

Hey buddy,

Glad you were just about sharp enough...

Being the grammar nazi that I am, it's usually typos and poor grammar that give scammers away for me
but, in all honesty, I almost fell for a Telegram helpdesk scam connected to a Metawask wallet, a year or 3 ago. This was back in the days when I was playing DeFi games via Leo.

I agree that not doing this kind of stuff when we're tired and always double checking, asking a second opinion, is a wise thing to do.

P.S. This is Vincent, from my new main account. In case you hadn't discovered I started a new one ;<)

I was wondering what was going on. I guess you took the name change post to heart :D

Hi Vincent, I heard rumors you had started another account. Is this because you want different topics on different account?

Now that I read back over the messages I shared I see that there were grammar problems. Unfortunately my own Dyslexia made me gloss over them first time.

You did get me thinking about maybe starting another account to have as a backup and share the value between the two so that if one got hacked I could still use the second and all would not be lost. It could just lay dormant and follow the votes of my first.

It is so good that you followed your intuition after sniffing that something isn't right! I can only imagine how badly one would feel to lose all of the years of work on Hive because of a scammer

Hi Mary, Hope all is well with you. Yes, that is exactly it. After all these years of posting, it would have been devastating to be locked out of my account.

All good here:) I am glad that your account was protected!

Oh man that’s a close call for sure! Does Ecency work for you at least? It’s not my preferred front end (sorry Ecency team!) but the cool thing about hive is the multiple front ends available!

Very close call. I took your advice (which I really should have done sooner) and tried Firefox. Everything seems to be working. So it was either Brave or the Keychain extension got corrupted. I will try a reinstall and see if that fixes it as I enjoy Brave.

That's good, I would try using an In Private window in Brave. That means you don't use any of the remembered cookies.

If that works, try clearing your cookies in Brave, or at least deleting the PeakD cookies and seeing if that helps. If that still doesn't help, make sure you have your keys backed up and try deleting the Keychain extension and reinstall it.

Something so silly could cost a user so much. Luckily you caught it before too late and we have the 13 week powerdown which helps too.

As long as you have a good user as your recovery account if something ever happened.

That is a good point. Setting up a recovery account is something which I doubt is very common knowledge. I have set mine up to someone I trust. Like most early accounts it was set to Steem and on the transition to Hive I changed it over. But,I don't know exactly how it would work if I ever needed to make use of it. It would be great if there was an easy to find tutorial.

These kinds of dastardly Imposter Scammers are showing up on Discord and the Steam game platform (Not Steem) claiming to be acquaintances and steering anyone to a remote link hijacking account passwords. I just recovered my Steam account from a scam site called Beware!

They really come out of the woodwork when crypto gets a bit more valuable. Happy to hear that you got your Hive account back.

lol good job noticing it in time!

Thanks, I just worry how many other people this scammer got to.

Lucky you realised quickly, well done.

Thanks, It really got me worried.

Understandably so.