I can't believe how lucky I am right now.
My top Hodl, #Hex, has been hitting all time highs through out the week. Today, it hit a new ATH of $0.034. Still pretty cheap, but when you've been with a project when it was worth less than a satoshi, it's kinda unbelievable, and a huge milestone.
If you told me hex would be 3 cents this month last year, I'd most likely have shrugged my shoulders, or considered that thought far-fetched. Not because I didn't believe in the project, but because I expected it would take much more time, which is why I might have missed on a much better opportunity to accumulate some more. No regrets though, I think I am content with what I have now, I am continually DCA-ing because, chances are, it's hitting $1 by the end of the year, which would make me a multi-million dollar millionaire. This seems pretty dreamy, considering my crypto journey so far, borderline luck.
But given what the project is aiming to do, the direction it's taking, I am starting to believe a $1 is still under-valued.
If you are not aware, the founder of Hex, Richard Heart, is forking ethereum, to help the hex community with the obnoxious gas prices. What this means is, anyone who is making use of erc20, will have the opportunity to double their tokens.
The fork will be known as Pulsechain and whatever you hodl on ethereum, will be mirrored onto the Pulchain blockchain. This also means we get to double our Hex bags, because hex will be both on Pulse and Eth, you'll have eHex & pHex, on the ratio of 1;1, same for the other erc20 tokens.
If I didn't know any better, I'd say the hype is catching up, and the crypto community is starting to slowly understand how the Hex smart contract works. It's pretty easy, you just need to give it time, learn and engage with the community.
All in all, I am not quite sure what I'd do or feel if I get to hit 7 figures this year. I hear a lot on Twitter that a million dollars seems a lot, until you get it and it's suddenly not as much as you imagine it. I want to get to that space, to that mind set just to confirm it for myself.
Hex will make it possible, I can feel it in my bones. Less than a 50X to get there, which is quite minimal for hex. It has already done 600X since launch, the future can only be so bright!
Stay Safe, CHEERS
HEX is the first Blockchain CD
HEX Removes Middlemen
HEX pays 40% APY on avg- By locking any amount of Hex you choose for a period of time between 1 and 5,555 days, you “stake” your deposit and gain interest every single day. Average APY is over 40%. Average APY for a bank CD is less than 2%.
Highest Appreciating Asset( 600X so far since launch)
Digital lifestyle enthusiast, blockchain & crypto believer.
Automatically gets a long with people who have a great sense of humor, So YES to memes!
Foodie| Travel | Lifestyle | Wine Lover & anything in between.
Welcome to my Dripping honeycomb! ;)

Also, Catch Me on;
Automatically gets a long with people who have a great sense of humor, So YES to memes!
Foodie| Travel | Lifestyle | Wine Lover & anything in between.
Welcome to my Dripping honeycomb! ;)