How To Find The Perfect Job For You!

in LeoFinance3 years ago


  1. Be prepared for job hunting to take a long time and require much effort. Although there are no specific rules which govern what jobs we will find or keep, it is clear that having a job is very important. People who want to survive on small incomes should not then complain that they have little money because of the amount of time and energy it takes to find a job.

  2. Be very selective. Finding a job that provides what you want is better than finding any job simply because it is the only way to get anything at all. It's not "better," in fact if one kind of work can hardly be distinguished from slavery—and that includes many jobs in industry and the service sector.

  3. Find a job that's worth doing. Too many people must work at jobs they hate, even though they know it harms their health or takes time away from other parts of their lives, which are more satisfying. The first year I worked as a carpenter was one of the best years of my life—even though I was paid very little.

  4. Watch for opportunities. Most people's jobs are found through personal contacts, so it is important to maintain friendships with unemployed or underemployed people who have desirable work skills or experience in related fields. Once you start looking for a job, write down the names of everyone you meet who might be able to help.

  5. Have a good attitude toward work. For some people, the thought of having to take any job is intolerable—and they will not want to have any job for an extended period of time. The person who looks for ways to enjoy what he's doing and has pride in completing whatever he sets out to do is more likely than not to succeed in finding something he's good at and which is worth doing.

  6. Don't take work for granted. A job is not like any other commodity—it is an important part of a person's life, the foundation on which the structure of their way of living rests. If you consider yourself entitled to a job merely because you are alive, you may find that there are many others (including ex-convicts) who would like to take your place.

  7. Be persistent. It has been said that opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like hard work. Most jobs require persistence to be obtained—in spite of rejections, failures, etc. A job is usually not just handed to the person who happens to be looking for one at a particular moment in time.

  8. Don't be too selective. The chances of making a good living and staying alive will improve if you take almost any kind of work that's available until you can find something better. It is more important to have a job than to spend all your time looking for one.

  9. Learn new skills. Whenever you find yourself doing less desirable work, try to find some way of learning new skills so that you can use them the next time you look for employment. If you are stuck with something unpleasant or demeaning, learning other ways to do similar work can make it more tolerable.

  10. Be honest. Whenever you are employed, take good care of the property or money that is entrusted to you—especially if it belongs to someone else. Dishonesty will make finding another job very difficult.

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