How To Live On A Small Income

in LeoFinance3 years ago


Many people who are leading the good life, living week after week on just a small income. They do this because they know what it means to live below their means, and than work up what savings they have into larger sums until finally they find themselves fairly wealthy.

Who are these thrifty ones? What can you learn from them? Where does the secret lie?

I don't know what your monthly income is. But if you are one of the thrifty ones who live on a small income, then try to read this article with an open mind, and see how much you can save!

What does it take to be thrifty? Here are some simple rules. Follow them in all your household expenses, and you will soon be living on a small income with no difficulty!

Never buy anything without comparing prices. If you keep looking around before buying things like bread, meat, butter and other staples in the house, you will soon discover that the same items in different places sell at a great deal of difference in price.

Make a list of what you need before going to the store, and stick to it. Don't go wandering around. Walk straight through with your eyes on your list!

Never buy things that aren't on sale or clearances, no matter how good they look. If they do not fit into your plan of saving money, don't buy them!

Avoid all haphazard buying. The more off-the-cuff you are in this business of living on a small income, the less chance there is for thriftiness and economy!

Always know the price of everything you buy. Don't be fooled by confusing bills and prices. Find out what they are to avoid being cheated!

Keep your eyes open for "bargains." Be on the outlook for specials that suit your pocketbook. You can pick up lots of bargains through buying clubs, etc.

Never buy anything you can do without. Cut out some of your food bill by eating fewer meals, and doing more work around the house!

Occasionally refuse some of your household duties or hire outside labor at a nominal price to keep down your expenses. You'll be surprised how much money this will save you.

Never miss a good chance to save money. Take advantage of every cent that comes into your possession!

These are some of the more important rules on living on a small income. If you follow them, little by little your funds will increase, and soon you will be out of the red!

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Best way to live and survive on a small income is to spend less, invest more and save well. Sums it up in my opinion.