Sent 50 Hive to you @klye . I wish I had more Hive to buy . Can I get a loan ? :p Irony .
I hope I amn't late.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Sent 50 Hive to you @klye . I wish I had more Hive to buy . Can I get a loan ? :p Irony .
I hope I amn't late.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
bahahaha. I hear this loan joke a lot in a week but it's still a funny one.
You sent just as I updated the post to announce the new rules for memo of "HLSHARE" being required in the transfer.. So unfortunately you HIVE has been "binanced" and you'll have to wait 6 weeks for unhelpful customer support resulting in no refund and your funds will be considered a pledge to the Hive.Loans Hooker and Blow fund. Thank you for your kind donation. :D
lol, just kidding. Want me to send it back to you so you can help me test the automation? Or want me to just tally them up manually. Up to you really. :P
I have HBD , I will convert that to Hive to help with the automation . The Hive which I have sent now , please manually tally them :p
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
kk! no problem Will do. Adding them up now.
Thanks for the support!
Converting sometimes yields less than just using the internal market or blocktrades I found.. Sometimes it yields more though.. SOmething to do with price trends if I recall