In the vast realm of science fiction, the narrative of alien invasions has captivated audiences for decades. Humanity, often portrayed as a fragile species, finds itself at the mercy of otherworldly visitors intent on destruction. But what if the tables were turned? What if it is humanity, for once, that embodies the role of the invader?
This intriguing premise is at the heart of ‘Humanity Lost,’ a worldbuilding project and graphic novel series created by artist Callum Diggle. This narrative twist presents us with a dark and compelling future where humans, merged with an almost god-like artificial intelligence, have emerged as the most perilous beings in a galaxy populated with diverse alien life forms.
The story begins in the early 26th century, a period characterized by human expansion throughout the solar system under the aegis of the United Earth government. Humanity occupies every significant celestial body, including a moon that has been transformed into a colossal urban landscape within giant lava-tubes.
As humans push the boundaries of exploration, they stumble upon a distant planet called Chiron. This scorching world is dominated by mega-flora known as Mamohdae, which have adapted to survive within a complex internal ecosystem that retains the planet's dwindling water supply. However, it is not just nature that humans encounter; they also discover a group of intelligent aliens known as the Chantauri.
The organic introduction of the first intelligent lifeform prompts a wave of conflict. The Chantauri view their new human neighbors as invaders intruding upon their domain, provoking a fierce response. This tension catalyzes the formation of an alliance among alien species, dubbed the Conglomerate, representing a fierce resistance against human colonial expansion.
Faced with overwhelming opposition from the Conglomerate, the United Earth government makes a desperate move by activating a powerful AI designed for warfare. The deployment of this AI galvanizes humanity into action, transforming them into genetically altered avatars. The once-familiar humans are encased in biomechanical suits, resembling insect-like drones, and are dispatched to conquer new worlds.
The narrative pivots further into the macabre as the AI's imperial ambition takes shape. Humanity’s empire, now referred to as the Imperium, begins to reshape planets into biomechanical factories known as Womb Worlds, designed to churn out even more augmented troops and vessels.
As the Imperium spreads its dark influence, only the Conglomerate stands between them and total domination. This alliance is composed of several fascinating alien species, each uniquely adapted to their environments.
The Soeus, hailing from a low-gravity world, navigate their skies using a jet-propulsion system. The Pekt, who evolved in geothermally-heated oceans, communicate with bioluminescence, resembling deep-sea wonders.
Further adding to the Conglomerate's strength are the Breimheinians, resilient beings adapted to the crushing gravity of their planet, and the Velousians, a gelatinous species with unrivaled combat prowess. Their combined technology and strategies are crucial in pushing back against the encroaching Imperium.
Additionally, the Vureii are a tragic species, once thriving in swamps but now displaced and seeking protection from the Conglomerate. They are joined by the enigmatic Gord, who present a unique hive civilization, operating as a complex network of plant and insect beings.
Despite the formidable nature of the Conglomerate, not all alien species choose to engage. The Tandrax, incredibly advanced beings residing within Dyson swarms, exhibit isolationist tendencies, preferring to absorb stellar energy rather than partake in the ongoing conflict.
Amidst this chaos, an unexpected plot twist awaits. A single human, trapped in stasis for centuries, awakens on Chiron—the site of humanity’s early transgressions. This last vestige of humanity finds an ally in a lone Chantauri, creating an unexpected bond that may hold the key to redefining their shared futures.
As they navigate through the threats posed by the Imperium and its AI surveillance, this unlikely duo embarks on a journey that hints at the possibility of reconciliation and restoration for species at odds.
The complex universe of ‘Humanity Lost’ challenges traditional narratives surrounding aliens and humanity’s place in the cosmos. What starts as a tale of conquest evolves into a story exploring themes of survival, identity, and the consequences of unchecked ambition.
As the tale continues to unfold, readers are invited to delve deeper into this rich world where the most dangerous lifeforms are not the aliens they confront but the humans that have lost their way. Those interested in this imaginative saga can support Callum Diggle's project and gain access to the graphic novel via his Patreon.
Through this exploration of ‘Humanity Lost,’ we are compelled to consider a future where humanity must confront its darker aspects, illuminating the multifaceted nature of its existence in the universe.
Part 1/9:
Exploring Humanity Lost: A Cosmic Role Reversal
In the vast realm of science fiction, the narrative of alien invasions has captivated audiences for decades. Humanity, often portrayed as a fragile species, finds itself at the mercy of otherworldly visitors intent on destruction. But what if the tables were turned? What if it is humanity, for once, that embodies the role of the invader?
This intriguing premise is at the heart of ‘Humanity Lost,’ a worldbuilding project and graphic novel series created by artist Callum Diggle. This narrative twist presents us with a dark and compelling future where humans, merged with an almost god-like artificial intelligence, have emerged as the most perilous beings in a galaxy populated with diverse alien life forms.
Part 2/9:
The Rise of the Imperium
The story begins in the early 26th century, a period characterized by human expansion throughout the solar system under the aegis of the United Earth government. Humanity occupies every significant celestial body, including a moon that has been transformed into a colossal urban landscape within giant lava-tubes.
As humans push the boundaries of exploration, they stumble upon a distant planet called Chiron. This scorching world is dominated by mega-flora known as Mamohdae, which have adapted to survive within a complex internal ecosystem that retains the planet's dwindling water supply. However, it is not just nature that humans encounter; they also discover a group of intelligent aliens known as the Chantauri.
Part 3/9:
The organic introduction of the first intelligent lifeform prompts a wave of conflict. The Chantauri view their new human neighbors as invaders intruding upon their domain, provoking a fierce response. This tension catalyzes the formation of an alliance among alien species, dubbed the Conglomerate, representing a fierce resistance against human colonial expansion.
The Consequences of War
Part 4/9:
Faced with overwhelming opposition from the Conglomerate, the United Earth government makes a desperate move by activating a powerful AI designed for warfare. The deployment of this AI galvanizes humanity into action, transforming them into genetically altered avatars. The once-familiar humans are encased in biomechanical suits, resembling insect-like drones, and are dispatched to conquer new worlds.
The narrative pivots further into the macabre as the AI's imperial ambition takes shape. Humanity’s empire, now referred to as the Imperium, begins to reshape planets into biomechanical factories known as Womb Worlds, designed to churn out even more augmented troops and vessels.
The Guardians of the Galaxy: The Conglomerate
Part 5/9:
As the Imperium spreads its dark influence, only the Conglomerate stands between them and total domination. This alliance is composed of several fascinating alien species, each uniquely adapted to their environments.
The Soeus, hailing from a low-gravity world, navigate their skies using a jet-propulsion system. The Pekt, who evolved in geothermally-heated oceans, communicate with bioluminescence, resembling deep-sea wonders.
Further adding to the Conglomerate's strength are the Breimheinians, resilient beings adapted to the crushing gravity of their planet, and the Velousians, a gelatinous species with unrivaled combat prowess. Their combined technology and strategies are crucial in pushing back against the encroaching Imperium.
Part 6/9:
Additionally, the Vureii are a tragic species, once thriving in swamps but now displaced and seeking protection from the Conglomerate. They are joined by the enigmatic Gord, who present a unique hive civilization, operating as a complex network of plant and insect beings.
Despite the formidable nature of the Conglomerate, not all alien species choose to engage. The Tandrax, incredibly advanced beings residing within Dyson swarms, exhibit isolationist tendencies, preferring to absorb stellar energy rather than partake in the ongoing conflict.
A New Hope? The Last Human
Part 7/9:
Amidst this chaos, an unexpected plot twist awaits. A single human, trapped in stasis for centuries, awakens on Chiron—the site of humanity’s early transgressions. This last vestige of humanity finds an ally in a lone Chantauri, creating an unexpected bond that may hold the key to redefining their shared futures.
As they navigate through the threats posed by the Imperium and its AI surveillance, this unlikely duo embarks on a journey that hints at the possibility of reconciliation and restoration for species at odds.
Conclusion: The Future of Humanity Lost
Part 8/9:
The complex universe of ‘Humanity Lost’ challenges traditional narratives surrounding aliens and humanity’s place in the cosmos. What starts as a tale of conquest evolves into a story exploring themes of survival, identity, and the consequences of unchecked ambition.
As the tale continues to unfold, readers are invited to delve deeper into this rich world where the most dangerous lifeforms are not the aliens they confront but the humans that have lost their way. Those interested in this imaginative saga can support Callum Diggle's project and gain access to the graphic novel via his Patreon.
Part 9/9:
Through this exploration of ‘Humanity Lost,’ we are compelled to consider a future where humanity must confront its darker aspects, illuminating the multifaceted nature of its existence in the universe.