
I have as much info as anyone else does. Watch what accounts do with their staking of LEO and if you don't like what an account is doing, don't vote it

I have no involvement

Ah you so it doesnt have to be bots from Inleo team? Okay understand 👍

Very interesting

Why are you so bent on figuring out who the owner of the bot is? Why can't you let the owners have their own privacy while you concentrate on enjoying your interactions with the bots as you have been doing?


Its very interesting to know if its Inleo who "controls" it or any other player.

Will still utilize it to generate data to Inleo.

One other thing that makes it important is that I wanna know if the owner is using to get money out from the system or not.

I bet if the owner wanted to be known or offer some sort of explanation, he or she would have come to the spotlight. Doesn't that tell you they want to contribute their own quota without being known?