
I didn't hear about that, because shocker, I don't really give a shit about what the government does on a daily basis. I have better things to do than to watch every move they make, like work on my farm or build tools that give me more monetary freedom.

I get heated when people try to put me in with a collection of people that I do not belong to by saying 'YOU'. I am a US citizen, yes, but this government does not represent ME, nor do I recognize it or any government as having any authority over me or my life. This is why I use crypto, mostly Monero, to keep my financial privacy and to give the big 'FUCK YOU' to the state.

The aggression comes from years of being in this fight only to see the newer blood coming in bowing to the very thing we are here to fight against. Hell, even many of the Bitcoin OGs are bowing down so their bags will pump. The true cypherpunks like me use real freedom tools like $XMR and don't give a shit about the dollar value, we care about use cases.

I respect that, being labeled isnt fun.
You style of life must be less stressful any many ways

I try to make it that way because I try to live it on my terms and nobody elses. It's the way everyone should try to live instead of trying to follow the herd, because following the herd will lead you to slaughter.