They were actually forced to refund the money and they were threatened with a law suit - this is a huge problem at the moment...these organisations like GoFundMe see government essentially doing whatever they want and trampling on the legal standing of citizens, they decide to follow the example and try to do whatever they want. Trudeau is going to have a huge problem (already does) and a few of the states in Canada have already walked back their mandates. The Canadian military have come out and refused to be used against the people of the protest if they are called, but the police on the other hand, they are being given directives that go against the laws of the was even ruled in a court that their actions were unconstitutional.
I think that this protest (which is now spreading worldwide) is going to do something - what - remains to be seen, but I think that crypto adoption is going to eradicate so many of these issues, it's just not happening fast enough.
This situation is really messed up.
The government's actions are really crappy and I hope that will leads to some changes somehow or other.
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