is hive scammer system better than centrelized banks scammer system - who to judge . both base on scamming and using cheap labor of children and genes coctails that brings some profit , either through investing in wars and armed forces or militia systems that are to serve People (as a rule) not countries goverments (you have them ? im sure in your location there are enough 5g towers to give you FAIR GO , not send you heart attack or stroke or other shit when you dob on those (long distance?)neighbor's dogs chasin your roosters or shit in your OWN Nest cause the likelihood someone believes you is 79% , if they have eyes (not necessary Goggles) and see . Silly wio! Nut (at Olived Grove, 18 yo female veteran of being uprising leader in Spain and Portugal with her bitroots in Polish mountains- JAM! in Telegram crypto chats but we workin on it to make sure its her own wisdom of totally discerning impact on married man with kids ) ... Just a business partners , of course. Wanna written recommendation from me again? I would change quite a few things about your approach to earning money . But your bros encourage you to continue (for fun) . Im sure u f enjoy it with your next customer who has pay pal account ($100 per 1 hr bullshittin - u need to be f good energy healer networks sucker) haha