
Hey, @aneukpineung78.

Long time no see! Have we just been missing each other on HIVE, or have you been elsewhere? How are things? I hope you've been well all of this time. :)

My work was located to a remote area with no internet connection back in the end of 2018. And when I was able to go back to internet about 2 months ago, I found out lots of things have changed. Things are good on my side, and I hope the same on your side too, Glenn.

Hey, @aneukpineung78.

Holy cow. Has it been that long? And without internet the entire time? Man, yeah. Quite a bit has changed. Different blockchain even (though a lot is still the same, really). I'm glad to hear things are good, though. Man.

re: same

I'd say we're doing fine, given the worldwide circumstances and our state's reaction to it. We're plugging along as best we can and making a fair go of it. This is the first week I go back to work for more than 10 hours, though it's not full-time. Which is probably something new to you (that I'm working at all) if the last you were aware of was late 2018. It was June 2019 when I started.

So, anyway. Any plans for HIVE now that you can connect?

It might sound funny or weird, but, yes, it was the end of the second decade of the 3rd millennium and still there was a place without internet coverage. I was like going back to stone ages.

Good to know that anything is good with you, Glenn.

For HIVE, I have been thinking about it. I only posted one post so far. I have been spending more time on commenting on HIVE, Glenn. I guess I need more time settling in. 🙏