Hive has never been harder to stack

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

And that's a good thing.

Finally, after almost four years since that all time high when we were a community hovering around a centralized, ineffective, house of cards kind kind of coin, the crypto market is beginning to recognize the value that Hive as a coin, a community and a developer environment, holds in terms of long, hodling value.

And it seems that people don't want to miss on this train.

Aren't you glad you have been here since forever?

Or well, at least for a long time now, I actually know very few people that have stuck with Hive through the high and lows, the rainy season and the dry season(S). 99% of you, including me, weren't here for the genesis of the project, but I know quite a lot of people who found out about Hive back in the OG days, right when the hype of the launch faded off and the posts worth thousands of dollars stopped happening, and the real grind began.

Taking a couple of overdue and well deserved breaks but never actually leaving, I can say that I have been part of the Hive community in one way or another for more time than most Hivers, and I've experienced a lot, both in public forums and private/secret, and one thing I can say to all of you that are reaping the results of years and years of enduring hard times, which were definitely way more than the good ones - not because of the community or the projects, but because of the undervalued price of our token.

We are finally at a price that at least recognizes how valuable this Blockchain is, and despite still being undervalued at $2.50 USD per Hive, we are getting there, more rapidly than slowly and steady - which is something I'm not a huge fan of, but let's hope it stabilizes some time soon before the real bull market.

But now Hive has become incredibly hard to stack

For your average Joe, not for witnesses or the OG crew that has secured automatic votes on their posts, but for the newbie who wants to stack Hive long term it is going to be a huge odyssey.


I remember that every time the Hive price crashed, and since back then I was perhaps a top 10 most influential Hiver, I used to write about how people shouldn't get discouraged about the price, that their mindset should be focused on stacking Hive for the long term, that no matter how little their posts made, they shouldn't stop posting, commenting and engaging, because at some point all that hard work would pay off.

Every single time. Price down = Anomad writes an encouraging post.

Hive was easier to stack. Hive was easier to see as a long, long term investment whether you used time or money to do it.

But now, Hive looks like a long term (without the extra long) time or money investment, but also as a sustainable mid-term time investment.

In my opinion, which is not one from a crypto expert but one from a dude that knows his basic economics and finance just enough, we are at a price - actually since we were at $2 - to make Dapps focused on newbies and normies actually attractive to their eyes. Funding, tools and even perception play a huge role here, and I plan on getting a piece of that market. Not yet, but soon.

Hive is harder to stack, but post payments are over the roof

This comes from someone that despite not making thousands of dollars a week from Hive posts like some others, I am still receiving an incredible amount of rewards thanks to this price rocketing and the automatic voters that set me as a beneficiary (thanks a lot by the way) thanks to my post quality.

But, as one of the most benefited Hivers around thanks to this price mooning, I have a simple topic to bring your attention to.

Do we really want $300 posts worth of rewards from a long term perspective?

I mean, yes. Those who receive constant upvotes deserve them, nothing is for free and if you grinded for years now is the time to collect, I am definitely not questioning the value of anyone's posts, but let me ask you this.

Remember when you heard about Hive and you saw the very same people on trending and thought the game was rigged and nobody could reach those levels? And how your 15 cents were nothing compared to the hundreds of dollars other people's posts made, and how they were always the same people?


Well, we are coming to a state where that could be the case. The price has rocketlaunched, but the vote percentages and the automatic votes haven't been modified by most voters, making what was once a $50 dollar difference be a $150 difference between the post from the newbie and the post from the OG.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not messing with anyone in particular here, and I actually believe that $100 per post is definitely more than fine, even if it is daily or twice a day, but what I don't understand and never did was: Is any post really worth $300, or even more, is a daily post really worth $250?

Spread the love, spread the votes.

I've been saying this since I have a Hive memory, and I actually made a post on June 1sr, 2017 talking about this, and it made more rewards than almost any other post of mine (ironically).

Check the post, it is worth it, and the same ideology still applies to this day

And before you start pointing fingers at me and saying with a childlike, naggy voice, "Well anomad, you make a lot of rewards since the price mooned" please understand what I am saying, I am not talking about you, or me, or anyone else in particular.

I'm just saying: You voting power influence just tripled in a week. Consider spreading the love, spreading the votes, stop voting at 100% VP, or 50%, or 20%. Cut your usual votes to half, and use that other half to encourage the newbies (which hopefully will be hundreds if not thousands thanks to this price rise). I don't mind if you bring your automatic vote to half on my posts, as long as you use that VP to focus on small accounts.

The price has made possible to spread the rewards even further

I want to be 101% clear, I'm nowhere near saying that we are doing things incorrectly or that we are making mistakes, I actually love what Hive has grown to be, but if I notice a trend, all I can do (and must) is point it out.

Do we want to be the Hive community that makes it easier for new users to get encouraged by spreading our vote, or do we want to be perceived as a gatekeeping community that makes things very hard for newbies to stack Hive?

After all, Hive has never been harder to stack.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Edit: I just noticed that @themarkymark just edited his automatic votes to 7% from 10%. This is exactly what I am talking about.

Be like Marky, change your votes percentage. Spread the love, spread the votes.


Remember when you heard about Hive and you saw the very same people on trending and thought the game was rigged and nobody could reach those levels? And how your 15 cents were nothing compared to the hundreds of dollars other people's posts made, and how they were always the same people?

1000 SP.jpg

Ah yes I remember this very well.

Back when I thought I'd never even make it to dolphin. Yeah, those were wild times, but opening the gates for new users isn't something that can just happen so easily. The vast majority of the time there's tons of new content that would get upvoted if the bigger accounts actually saw them in the first place. Curation around here still is in the infant stages. Not only is it hard for new users to get noticed, it's hard for old users to actually do the noticing.

Certainly there are things we could be doing that we haven't done yet. There are so many filters and ways of sharing rewards that haven't even been contemplated yet. A big one is reblogging; there's no financial incentive to do it (yet) even though this is the literal definition of curation.

There's also no way to find users out there who are willing to research the things Hive whales want to know about. I remember when I first got here I was thirsty and researching dozens of coins, now I'd much prefer paying someone else to do that work for me, but there is no marketplace to find such people.

At the end of the day Hive is still an infant chain still looking for its niche. We'll get there eventually.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

reblogging; there's no financial incentive to do it (yet) even though this is the literal definition of curation

I've thought about this quite a bit and never understood why people bother to reblog. The reblogger should get a small portion of the rewards if a vote comes from the reblog and from a user not currently following the Original poster.

Yes, wouldn't that be nice!

But on a technical level the blockchain (witnesses) don't know if someone upvoted a post because they were curated by a reblog or not, so this entire idea becomes impossible to enforce on-chain. An off-chain system would have to be implemented, and even then it would only work on the frontend's it was installed on, in addition to requiring permission from the author that received the money to then transfer that money to the curators.

Okay I see.... I think. I know nothing about how things actually work behind the scenes. I just sort of assume that anything can be programmed, but I doubt that is actually how it works. Lol

Let's say I operate a frontend: we'll just use as an example.

So I control

As the server operator of I know when someone clicks on a reblog, and I know if that same person upvotes the reblog, but literally no one else knows this happened (unless I tell them, but this API infrastructure doesn't exist).

When someone looks at the blockchain itself it's impossible to tell whether the upvote came from or or or anywhere else. All the blockchain knows is that someone upvoted a comment and used the correct private key to sign that transaction.

The easiest way to make this reblog curation idea a reality would be to boot up a new token on a new frontend that is programmed to follow these rules. We have to ask ourselves: is this functionality actually worth having a new token and a new frontend? Maybe; maybe not.

Interesring. Thats more complicated than I realized but I understand now. That makes sense. I guess that would be a discussion then.

Maybe those who run the autovoting bots should consider having using decay as has been discussed for witness voting.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This would do wonders definitely, I'm not sure why it hasn't been implemented and I'm no longer in contact with the top 20 witnesses :(

I'm going to add: upvote comments!

It may not be the best ROI on your curation returns, but man was I always happy as a noob when my comments got upvotes. Especially since you are more likely to get engagement and noticed in the comments of someone else's post.

This is a big one. I upvote comments and if the same person comments often I will usually follow.

Definitely, I remember that for a few months I did that experiment where I would focus 50% of my VP to only vote comments. Comment rewards encourage content consumption rather than content creation, which is something we desperately need, to become a content-consumption-friendly community.

True facts. I've talked to a lot of people about Hive and they say, it sounds great, but I wouldn't know what to write about. People don't think that about Facebook or Twitter because it's normal to spend more time commenting on your friends' posts and you don't feel pressured to "produce content," but the blogging format here makes people feel pressured to properly blog and not everybody is into that.

It's kind of crazy how undervalued HIVE has been compared to all the meme coins and shit coins out there.

Hard work and dedication does pay off on the platform but also, if a person is only in it for the money than they are probably missing out to some degree and that is often why some people aren't successful.

I see what you're saying about the price of posts but I don't necessarily think that they should be reduced. The dollar value is higher yes, but isnt that just because the price of the token has increased? Like the HP and HBD paid out is the same is it not? Maybe I don't fully understand how things work, which is definitely a possibility lol. From my person perspective though, my goal on the platform is to grow, not to cash out and get paid in fiat, so if people reduce their votes on my post then I make less HP than before and grow at a slower rate. If that is in fact the case then I would actually prefer the price of the token to be lower so I can grow quicker. Basically if my post made $100 before and makes $300 now but I earn the same amount of hp and hbd in both scenarios then nothing has changed. Does that makes sense?

It's impossible to know each person's motivation on the platform though so this is a good discussion to have. If a person regularly cashes out HP then definitely reduce vote strength on their post in my opinion. But if they continue to hold and power up then stay the same.

Please correct me if anything I've said is wrong or misinformed because I want to understand more.

I was actually quite pleased when I told J "I only got 2.8 hive this time" (I usually buy $10 every month, previously I could get 7-9 depending on the price).

Spread the love, spread the votes.

If you vote like I do, that's a lot of effort x_x

If you vote like I do, if something is worth an upvote, it's worth a comment. I do skim or blind upvote when I'm really pressed for time which has been way too often lately but I try very hard not to

Dapps focused on newbies and normies actually attractive to their eyes.

I wish this is where Hive funds were directed. Someone is going to do it and do it well. A fun UI should be on Hive first.

I believe that games with no blockchain interaction other than keeping track of stats could do wonders. The newer generations are phone-game addicted and there is a huge market to exploit right there.

"Exploiting" is one way of putting it. Another way is to say "filling a niche" for fun and easy ways to help kis interact.^^

Some of the actions need to be recorded on the blockchain while giving the user an illusion there is no blockchain behind it.

This is partly what the role play card games on Hive are doing but my kids told me all those games are boring bc you don't have control and wait so much. They like to make things in games like roblox and minecraft. Other kids like to share what they make right away. There is no limit to what we can create. Maybe they are the ones that should be creating this.

There is also the social media side. I'd love to see an app that is quick to comment and upload and share... at least at IG or twitface level. We have the resources but I don't see any projects like this.

I guess I could go on a long time, but bottom line is I'd like to see a fun easy to sign up and easy to use UI. It would catch on real fast.

Good point. I actually started to adapt to it a little (at least in the manual curaing).

For manual votes I think this is not an issue but the automatic votes definitely need some polishing done, let's hope that now the price has stabilized most people look into that topic, it would do wonders for the upcoming members.

Great point! The only reason I haven't voted on this article yes, is that my mana is down to under 50% right now... from spreading too much love in these abundant times. So absolutely: I am going to reduce my auto vote from 66% to some more reasonable level... reasonable in relation to these abundant times. Thanks for pointing this out!

Well, you have a point IMO, if not focus the votes on one person to give it fully. Why not divide it with others so by having not a much upvote and share it with everyone. I don't think as well that a daily post should earn that much.

Yes, I heard you a lot from the previous days and I think you were part of OCD.

Just sharing the love, the rise of the price means more people can get voted on, not that the same people get more rewards. Yeah, I was half of the OCD witness back then :D

It's true, all it requires is persistence.

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

There's always value in nurturing the young.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Be careful what you wish for. If you like for me to adjust these rewards I am happy to comply.