
I am sad that I couldn't make myself top 50. But I will do it soon

In the hunt for the top 50

For the Full leaderboard click here

I'm hoping to work more on my engagement here, i wish I have the whole time in the world

Thanks Eric, was busy today so not much chance to thread!
Ah well there is always tomorrow

I'm gaining numbers fast today, I did get the 200 I was looking for, but no, I need to reach 1000 today to let's continue :D

The daily @anomadsoul report. Glad to see you keeping it up.

How is the new site going? 😁


My number didn't go up today because I have been off-hive for over 12 hours.. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a great day!

You are doing well ksam
I don't even understand myself again

I've been involved with multiple things off hive... threads and my other commitment has just been the thing still keeping me... if not, I would have taken a month off.

Wow , I see
Hopefully when the campaign is over, you can go for a leave

The problem is that, that will be when I'll be free... lol

So, it really didn't fall at the right time for me... but, I'll try my best to maintain the 1-10 poistion... I pray I finish at that spot

i was sure i'd be number 3 by today! y'all are crazy

😅 they are Nifty. They’re addicted

i mean i'm crazy but that's yet to be diagnosed lol

haha we better get you tested then

Nice little bump today! Feeling good about the momentum.

Thanks for he update Eric, let’s keep threading

Wooow I'm almost to the bottom, I must do better. Congratulations to all the leaders

I see my name dropping a bit on that's been a rough few days but I'm back.

I keep falling behind. 🥹 I have today to redeem myself at least. Thanks for the

It looks like the top 30 spot is more stabilized now and it's going to consolidate from here on as we start closing into the deadline.