
There is a spaces on X for the audio.

Oh okay, I thought it's only pure text and just having a #party

No. This is an actual threadcast that is tied to a broadcast.

I will set up the space in a bit and post the link in the top thread here.

Now I get it. What are the usual topic? And what people can share on InLeo for interaction during the threadcast?

You can share whatever you want in the threadcast. Can ask questions or drop comments. It is similar to the engagement in the AMA.

If you hear something that you like, comment about it.

Sounds cool, will join next time when there's a threadcast

The actual broadcast happens on X Spaces but most of the interaction is here on InLeo. At least for this show.

Oh okay so it works like that everytime that there's a podcast.

Yup, usually thats how it goes

haha it was a typo, it should be threadcast.

I should start joining:)