RobinHoodApp: Steal from the Poor and Give to the Rich - Class Action LawSuit Coming - The $GME WSB Saga Continues Pt 2

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)


Joined the fray yesterday around $260. Didn't fcking sell! Now, I just wanna buy MORE!


But RobinHood can't allow that. Looking for an alternative stock trading platform. If you know one, drop it in the comments!
@leofinance support stonks wen?

Allow retail investors buy GME?


Meanwhile, WallStreetBets is coming together intent to file a class action lawsuit against RobinHood

CLASS ACTION AGAINST ROBINHOOD. Allowing people to only sell is the definition of market manipulation. A class action must be started, Robinhood has made plenty of money off selling info about our trades to the hedge funds to be able to pay out a little for causing people to loose money now

Additionally, commenter has provided some instructions on filing a complaint which I am sharing below:

Click Here to file a complaint with the SEC.

Click Here to file a complaint wit with FINRA.

Click Here to file a complaint with Robinhood directly.

Robinhood Financial LLC 85 Willow Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 United States

This morning I, and millions of other retail investors, were blocked from purchasing (entering new buy orders) on the Robinhood platform, without notice. This clear example of market manipulation has forced the stock down from over $500 in after-hours to less than $300 as of this writing. Meanwhile, hedge fund interests are NOT blocked from buying the shares being traded and the lower price obviously benefits them.

We retail investors have followed all the rules and finally stood to gain a LITTLE bit from Wall St and they suddenly change the rules "to protect" us. I am requesting you use your subpoena power and regulatory authority to examine whether Robinhood colluded illegally with any other actors who may have held short positions on these stocks to reduce the number of buyers for $GME and therefore deflate the price. This is market manipulation.

info for form:
Robinhood Financial LLC

85 Willow Road
Menlo Park, CA 94025
United States

Edit: Fellow Regarded, please buy more GME and Hold 💎🤚🏾 the rewards helps with visibility but it’s better spent there.

And NO I didn't see the comment ITT before coming up with the title. The branding of Robinhood is PAINFULLY ironic given the certain events.

And obviously my portfolio do be hurting, too. For now! GME to the MOON 🌕This is not financial advice, retards!

P.S. If you disagree with what RH is doing to their users, be sure to leave them a review letting them know as I have.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Happily killing them on the app store, they;ve been data mining and allowing others to front run RH traders for ages now finally retail flips it on its head and you get curbed, what kind of censorship is that? We should be able to do with our money as we please as long as its a willing buyer willing seller, thats called a market, in case RH forgot.

Lets turn them into a nothing burger

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

what kind of censorship is that?

Dude are you a liberal who just happens to crawling out for underneath a rock right now?

Not one for labels mate and my ignorance is mine to bare

Labels aside then, welcome to the other side of the spectrum.

My first and funniest stock adventure ever! STarted with 250 $, now sitting on 4x and holding.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My down $ wise but still having fun! Also, feels like we are part of something bigger than ourselves.🙌

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Robinhood users should just come on over to DeFi where it's possible to trade synthetic GME on platforms like Synthetix & Mirror Protocol