You make very good points but it is still very early days and it takes time for people to understand crypto and all its opportunities and complications.
As long as you can use any Lightning Wallet or other Bitcoin wallet to pay for things then it is an open system and people will slowly realise they are free.
If you can transfer your Sats from Chivo to say Wallet of Satoshi or Breeze etc then its easy to move to a non-KYC environment.
If I can come to El Salvador and pay for everything I need to live in Sats using whatever wallet I want then I am free, even if others are still choosing to be less free due to ignorance.
Absolutely! In the groups I belong too we're still in the process of checking all the combinations (Chivo - Breeze, Breeze - Chivo, Chivo - Muun, etc.) and till now most transactions have been successful (less so in the case of Muun, I don't know why).
We're setting up an associative environment to empower other citizens in a horizontal fashion, "users to users", and showcase the benefits of adopting other wallets to unleash the full potential of Lightning Network.