Ok, I'm probably going to say a lot of useless stuff, but still.
Hive is (at least from what I know) the only decentralized, scalable and free-to-use web3.0 social platform out there, working since years.
Yet, one of the main reasons why BTC-maxis are never going to look at Hive is because, well, HIVE is a shitcoin to their eyes.
They would like to have something which is BTC-branded and looks like a social media for true BTC maxis... and, as you said, on Hive we can easily achieve that by creating a front-end which screams everywhere BTC (color palette, payments in sats, even in its logo).
And my thought is: couldn't this be achieved in a very short time? What if a DHF proposal funds one of the teams behind one of the main front-ends and asks them to use their already functioning code to run a second front-end, identical at their main one, but BTC branded?
For payments we have v4v which already almost does what we need; transfering funds between Hive and the LN. We only need to integrate it to that "BTC front-end" and a BTC maxi won't even need to know what HIVE is. I can also imagine that tips (which are almost useless on Hive) could play a crucial role in rewardings content on that BTC front-end and they could be shown as part of the rewards of a post.
And what about the RC needed to run their accounts? Well, what if we integrate ads in that BTC front-end? As InLeo is already doing.
We could use that traffic to pay for the RC we need. Of course this won't work right from the start, but untill traffic is low we can probably afford to run the project on our own, as a lot of users have plenty of RC they don't use which could be lent for free or for a very small incentive.
If the project start growing, ad revenue could also be used to fund a curation account to reward the users of that front-end: this way, if they cash out everything they get, for Hive wouldn't be a net loss, as every Hive cashed out will come from a user which generated ad revenue which was, is and will be used to buy Hive.
I know that there are a lot of "if" and that I may be saying silly stuff, but Hive needs more visibility, more users and more traffic.
If a project like that starts small and aims to become self-sustainable, what have we to lose? And even if it works less well than expected, it could still be a model to follow to create more of these "branded front-end": there are other cryptos with ton of users, but there are also games, movies, sports which have many many more... and Hive could be personalized to be appealing for a lot of those communities.
In my opinion we only need to show everyone what they are interested in: for a BTC maxis could be having something that (apparently) is only about BTC (and the Lighting Netword), for a gamer instead could be the ability to generate some revenue from their time spent playing on their favourite game, and so on.
I know that we still lack that good algorithm that would keep people engaged and active but, imho, we can't afford not to try something only because we don't have all pieces of the puzzle: if we start something we will be forced to try and solve the issues that will arise. If we never do anything, we will never really feel the urge to solve those issues.