Hello to all readers and wonderful writers.
For those who have read My previous presentation post this article will be translated in French also soon.(SwissBorg Team on their Twitter have many tweets in French)
SwissBorg is an exchange and you may have already heard of it here or on the web. It will take several articles to fully describe all their positive points (feel free to comment if you want an article on a specific point)
If you come only for the surprise, which will be a shame, go directly to the bottom of the post
*/!\ Of course the rate varies several times a week, so the current rate may vary depending on when you read this article. But this is one of the rates that is seen several times on Swissborg /!*
Ok time is money, but so is knowledge! So let's start now.
For me, SwissBorg revolves around several pillars that made me choose this platform to become my only exchange:
[1]: Do you see the travel comparators? When exchanging on SwissBorg it is exactly the same principle, their robot will look for the best path for you (ex: for your exchange of eth to bitcoin they will exchange the eth for another currency and then return to the bitcoin if this path is the most advantageous for you)
You can even see the path and the deadline, with no hidden charges (and it's one of the only exchanges )
[2] Low fees,easy use and many fiat or crypto: even without the premium status (we will see that later) you have 1% fees on the Bitcoin trade for example and you will have 0% if you are premium .... Awesome
In addition, the application and the simplicity of this APP will save you all the headaches of the graphics of a classic exchanger all day long.
[3] The token: CHSB (CH for Swiss and SB for SwissBorg) and you will start to understand why I invested (this is not an advice) and keep it.
To keep it as short as possible but I will come back to it in a future article only on CHSB. About the team :These little Swiss like binance model use burn because 20% of the revenue from the SwissBorg ecosystem (stack in a bag) is used to buy back and burn CHSB tokens. So in a Bear Market you have a golden parachute.
Okay so you have a fire extinguisher in the event of a token price fire, but that's not all because you can stack the token to earn up to 6.51% p.a (as of this writing).
[4] Premium & Yielding COUPOUND on CHSB and on USDC (up to almost 30% p.a with premium)
I will do an article only on the premium because it is not what will be within the reach of everyone (not me for example) in terms of investment but the most interesting is that even without the premium you can have up to 'at 15% pa on the USDC!
Oh and as if it was not enough interest is compounded ... so each gain will be added for the next day and the next, ...
Thank you for staying this far (a few more lines for the surprise), you now understand why it is very complicated to explain all the potential of this APP so stay tuned and I will do a full article PER PILLAR during the next weeks.
**Time is money, so remember, if you have read this entire article without thinking now about getting your surprise back and paying yourself for the time used here. Tell yourself that you always have to start with something!
Of course and you are used to it, here is my link to register and win THE SURPRISE. It's win-win but you already know all that.
Personally I had € 28 with this link, and as our good old bank says "Past performance is no guarantee of future performance"
I see it more as the icing on the cake, this one being the project itself and its perfect plan!
STEP 1: You need to download APP and make a deposit of 50€ by fiat or crypto (try by crypto it's faster than waiting ur bank)
STEP 2: Receive a ticket and claim your reward
Scratch your ticket to reveal your Bitcoin prize, and then keep sharing to earn more tickets!
And this is where there is no trap, you can immediately withdraw your € 50 (or other $ of course) + your scratch winnings with very low fees.
For more details you can consult my new post on this opportunity here!
Although without any investment advice, personally I will at least keep these gains by placing them in the CHSB. 50 € now but who knows tomorrow? If you believe in the project, like me I am invested in it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for reading, following and tips . Time is precious !
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta