
Ned won't get away with it.
Sun will sue him to unwind the transaction when he realises this is his only way out.
Sun neither has the votes nor the technical capability to execute a hard fork and if he doesn't back down soon may face a legal injunction to stop him voting the ninja-mined stake. He has no idea about Steem or its community and has been stunned by the community fight back
His best option is to unwind.

It all depends on what was in the contract I suppose.

You are right @ash. He made out like a bandit.

Posted via Steemleo

Bandits have to live afraid of their consequences or "big" and not caring about the consequences.

Posted via Steemleo

Ned is young, so it is a short term win.

Who is gonna want to work with him in the future?

Posted via Steemleo

He never has to work again