Calculate Your Costs Before Investing

in LeoFinance10 months ago

Hello and good day to all the members and authors.

I hope you all are doing good and keeping the daily tally count every day. We are in fact in midst of a period where there are a lot of areas where we need to push through than the past.

As we all know and cognizant of the thing that - the economy is changing so as our capacity to spend as we wish. Web3 is a new annexation to the modern day thriving technology and we practically dont have any options out but to get through it.

In the previous post, I described some of the facts about creating a decentralized account that can help to provide anyone a chance to access an electronic wallet with many crypto tokens which are steadily moving in the volatile nature of the market.

So, the primary message I guess I want to share is the case of dependence on these tokens and if in the future - these coins start to possess greater value, we might have to use it like never before.

What that adds to the lucrative benefit beforehand if we could hold some of the coins with readymade investments and let cashes move through the undetermined field of cryptocurrency.

To be able to get a solid grip over the tokens, there has to be a well furnished and planned investment policy.With it we can make sure to get a long handle to operate and dictate what should be best for investment.

First thing is to form a decent "expense sheet" which could help to figure out what level of investment be made. I personally dont suggest to employ more than 10% of the funds into volatile market.

Because what that would create in the future that - if market starts to slow down and hit lows time to time, then losses primarily would not be felt good. Such case can degrade motivation to carry on crypto career.

The other thing to notice for every investor is to look out to categorize a few of the coins that would sound good to invest. There are some of the Altcoins and some Bitcoins that hold distinct price range and level of fluctuating parameters.

Knowing where to spend how and limit the expense with incessant scaling and calculation can make the crypto journey a smooth career to lead on.

I hope, you have the all to start the career or continue it to the future. All the best for the days to come.


Indeed It is very important to be aware of all types of expenses!

yeah,I know about conversations using ecency app, but havent tried the feature yet. I will try that later when I find the time.
Have a good day and thanks for the opinion.