Unveiling the Illusion: Understanding the Mechanics of Existence

in LeoFinance10 months ago

The question is there re-birth if it's there what is the basis for one being to go from one birth to another what is it that carries a person from one to another now if you need to understand this you must have same understanding of the mechanics of who you are I am talking about the mechanics of how a human being is built see when you say I am a human being the outermost periphery is the physical body in yoga we look at every thing as body because it is easier for you to understand it that way so we see the body as five dimension or five dimension or five sheathes physical body is known s annamayakosha Annamayakosha means anna means the food this is food body next one is called manomayakosha that means it's the mental body the third one is called pranamayakosha which means the energy body physical body mental body all these three dimensions are physical they are physical existence physical body is very gross mental body is subtler energy body is even subtler but all these three are physical this is just like the light bulb is physical you can see that the electricity behind also is physical isn't it ? the wire that connects is also physical the electrons that flow through the wire also are physical existence.


So similarly physical body mental body pranic body all are physical dimensions of life the physical dimension of life both in all these three dimension carries the imprints of karma on the body it is imprinted on the mind it;s imprinted it's imrinted and on the energy its imprinted this karmic imprints or the karmic structure is what holds it together karma is the cement which holds you to the physical body karma is the bondage at the sa,e time its only because of karmic stuff you can hold on to the body and be here this is where spirituality seems to be difficult because if you try to take it away it doesn't work if you try to add it doesn't work you need to be just there if you're just there it's a moment now the next two dimensions are called vignanamaya kosha and anandamaya kosha , vignanamayakosha is non-physical but related to the physical it is like a transient state anandamaya kosha is completely non-physical so vignanmayakosha and anandamaya kosha means it's the bliss body there is a bliss body inside which hundred percent non-physical it has no form of its own only if the energy body the mental body and the physical body are in shape it can hold the bliss body in shape .


If these things are taken away the bliss body will just become a part of the cosmos so what ever you are referring to as atman or the soul is a fiction actually in the sense people are describing a certain limitation of the non-physical as a soul but the body for the soul is still your karma if the karmic structure is completely dismantled there is no soul everything merges into everything else what is referred to as mahasamadhi or mahaparinirvana is just this that you slowly understand where the keys are and dismantle the karmic structure so that you become truly no more when somebody dies we say this person is no more that's not true that person is no more the way you still know thwm but they still very much exist now if you dismantle the karmic structure hundred percent now you mergewith the existence this is what is referred to as mukti mahasamadhi in hindu tradition it is referred as to as mukti in yogie tradition it is referred to as mahasamadhi in the buddhist way it is called as mahaparinirvana generally in english we are saying liberation means becoming free form the basic structures of body and mind and for all this the karmic structure is the strings which hold these things together .

So when a person dies the physical body is something that you borrowed from the earth this body is just earth, isn't it? Do you understand? this physical body is just a piece of earth which is right now prancing around this but you have to pay it back atom no interest though but you have to pay back every atom you won't be allowed to carry a single atom from this palnet no nbody has managed it physical body will fall apart the mental body and the pranic body depending upon the strength of your karma goes on if the karmic structure is very intense unfinished them it has to finish it if the karma has become weak because it has run it course then it very easily finds another body if it has to find another body the intensity of this structure should come down it should become passive if it is very intense it cannot find it has to hang so this is what you are referring to as ghosts somebody is dead his karmic structure is still intense because it's not over now he needs much more time to find another body he still exists and the more intense his karmic structure is the more visible he becomes or more experientially available to people .


There are innumerable such beings all around you if you whether you know it or you do not know it but most of them you won't feel because their karma dissipated they are just waiting for more dissipation before they find another body but if their karma is very intense this is why they told you in the traditional if somebody dies unnaturally either by aceident or suicide or some other way they will become ghosts it is not so eveybody becomes it is just that they are more experience-able they are more available to your experience because they have more intense karmic structures so you people may experience them a little more than other beings who die of old age if one completes his allotted karma for that life he will die just like that without accident without any injury when one dies simply like that person may find another body within hours this is why in this tradition always they said if one completes his life and dies peacefully it's the best way to die because he need not hang around immediately it goes on now when you walk the spiritual path the ultimate goal for every spiritual seeker is he wants to break this whole process .

Or otherwise to use an analogy we can say what you all as my soul right now is like a bubble the outer periphery of the bubble is your karmic structure inside there is air suppose you blow the bubbe you burst the bubble where is the air? where is your air? there is no such thing as your air it's become part of everything so what you call a soul is fictitious because there is no such thing as your soul and my soul and somebody else's soul right now this unbounded ness is contained in the limited karmic structure so it makes you believe as if this is a separate entity if you take away the keys which hold the karmic structure then it just collapses so this afterlife next birth don't believe all this nonsense but right now if you sit here and just close your eyes you can see more than this body you are isn't it In conclusion, the path of spiritual inquiry beckons towards the dissolution of karmic entanglements, unveiling the boundless expanse of existence beyond the confines of individuality. So see you all soon! I will upload my next blog very soon. Thank you for giving my blog your precious time.

This is my participation post for Initiative: MAY IN LEO

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An interesting topic. Nice write-up.

Thank you 😊

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