I don't mean to be an ass hole but it's the first time I could connect with your blog.
Can you keep doing this? Rant about personal finance worries, how you took the strides, and the outcomes? Some of us are going through same thing, and will be able to relate to some of your experiences.
Not only will it make your blog lively, but, it will boost your visibility, help you gain more friends, and improve your confidence too.
I am sorry you didn't listen to your brother, and take the gains, you should console yourself with the fact that the dip isn't that bad.
Remember, there was a time when hive was struggling between $0.7 and $0.8, and there was a time it was less too.
Next time, take as much profit as you want or leave it alone if you don't want to Fomo.
A good thing might come out of the fact that you didn't fomo when you should have..... For instance, you are writing a rather different, but interest, and educating post about that experience. There is a reason for everything remember.
I am sorry about the expenses that builds up at school, go on and bill your brother, hehehehe, I am sure he took profit then.
I wish you the very best in school this year. I pray your results for last year, will put a smile on your face, and you will forget how the new session started. Merry Christmas to you dear. Be safe.
PS: next time, you have this kind of financial post, I'll encourage you to publish it in the Leofinance community, I am sure the community will love to read them. Cheers.
Oh my eyes deceived me, you posted this on leofinance right? I am sorry I missed that.
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