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RE: The Deflationary Nature of Robotics

in LeoFinance10 months ago

The danger that I see is that all that increased productivity and profitability goes to the 1% as prices of products and services do not decrease and fewer people have full time employment and disposable income. Should be an extremely interesting next few decades.


When things are digitized, prices go down.

I can see how that works in theory... but I think what tends to happen is that costs go down when things are digitized, but those cost savings don't always get passed onto the consumer.

Groceries should be cheaper since staff don't have to put stickers on every item and ring up every item into the register themselves, but my understanding is that households are paying as much or more for groceries as ever.

Are you paying more for music? Computers? How about telecommunications? Photography? Information? When was the last time you bought a road map?

How about smartphones? They came down in price? Data plans? Text cost?

Technology by definition is deflationary.

There are many factors in pricing, most of which gets overlooked. Regulation, taxation, supply chain disruptions.

The entire world felt that kick the last few years as the global economy was shut down.

That's exactly my point... I don't think we can say that technology is deflationary because there are so many factors in pricing. It should definitely reduce costs to corporations... but whether those savings get passed onto consumers is a whole different discussion.

Again, if it was true, you would expect household grocery expenditure to be significantly cheaper than in the 1970s, or the 1940s - and I'm just not sure that's happened.

I think you could say the same for cars.
In 1967 a new Ford Sedan cost $2,199 which is about $20,086.33 today. I'm sure Ford has so many more robots and process efficiencies now, but the average new car price now is around $43K.

Technology is just one piece of the puzzle and I don't think it can cause deflation just by itself.

I don't think we can say that technology is deflationary because there are so many factors in pricing

We most certainly can. I just gave a list of technology products that have all gone down in price.

Lets look at more. Compare these to 1990:

  • the cost of a copy machine
  • the cost of a mobile phone
  • the cost of a television
  • the cost of a camera
  • the cost of appliances

Hell look at the cost of digging a hole with a backhoe compared to doing it by a shovel.

Now when you see prices going up, like with food, that is not because of technology. Technology demonetizes, dematerializes, and democratizes. Anything the digital realm has touched in the last 40 years has followed that pattern.

If you want to isolate on food, since 1940, have wages gone up? Did real estate price increase? How about the cost of regulation?

Certainly there are reasons for this. When you have areas that were 80K people in 1950 and now there is 1.9M, real estate is going to increase since there is no more land (as they say). That shows up in rents. Of course, real estate taxes always go up too.

Then we have regulations. Surely we want things such as pesticides monitored, both the production and destruction. Environmental factors are important. Yet there is a cost to that whether it is on the creation of the product or the wages paid to the inspectors. Since this is desirable, we pay the price.

So yes Excel reduced the cost of a spreadsheet to a corporation but it doesnt change the scenario when it comes to the other factors.

As I said, technology is naturally deflationary. Other aspects of society, not so much.

I think I'm really struggling with this as a concept... and maybe it's product-specific.

Obviously food is way, way, way, way more automated now than in the 1990s, both with fresh produce and processed-food. The economies of scale for farms now in comparison is far more efficient, but you're right, there are a ton of other factors involved in pricing.

Televisions are absolutely cheaper... but mobile phones are harder to compare - we might be spending as much or more on the devices themselves and data... but these devices do so much more than in the 1990s and need way more data.

Again, even though automotive factories are way more automated than in the 90s, cars themselves are still a decent percentage of people's expenses... but again, they are safer, more efficient, etc.

I guess where I'm struggling is if technology is deflationary, and I'm sure you're right that it is, but there are other factors like wages, protections, real estate, etc are not deflationary, then how much is the overall effect will be?

Can robotics cause overall deflation if other factors are too inflationary? I guess the real question is... will robotics positively impact my life?


Another way of looking at it, think of this interaction in 1985. How much would it have cost?

If we were communicating, back and forth, it would likely have been by phone. Being in two different cities meant long distance charges. There was a per minute rate within each country domestically. If we were dealing international, it was even higher.

So a "discussion" over 10 minutes cost anywhere from a a buck or two to a ten spot. I recall ads for $1.19 per minute on some international calls.

If we used letters, there was paper, envelops, and postage (all which I am sure went up in cost). Yet, we are interacting with none of those costs, leaving aside the fact it would have been a two week turnaround through the postal systems.

100% agree with this point. These are great talking points but if there's one thing we know, it's that the upper echelon of humanity wants to stick it to the people who are not as fortunate as they are in any and every way possible.

Yeah, we've seen it already... productivity has risen by so much over the last few decades and yet prices are either steady or rising... and the minimal wage has barely budged.

The minimum wage concept has been parasitized for sure. It's used now as a tool to push inflation to even higher heights than it should be. Those pushing for 15$, 20$ or higher for the minimum earnings are short sighted, thinking that it will lead to better outcomes. It also hurts small businesses because only the bigger companies can shoulder the burden of an increased wage.

It goes back to corporate greed, ultimately. The companies make more and more record profits, yet cry poor because of that same parasitization of the economic process. We need to somehow force them to get back to a sound money concept, where debt isn't encouraged. So many other things to say along this direction!

Maybe... but the minimum wage has been stagnant in the US for decades but inflation has been continuously rising. I would have guessed that corporate profit contributes more to inflation than the minimum wage rates, but I honestly don't know.

Honestly... if it were up to me... I'd just end the stock market.

Corporations doing everything possible to increase shareholder value means they are highly incentivized to keep wages as low as possible, costs as low as possible, avoid paying as much tax as possible and lobby governments to produce policy that keeps them extremely profitable.

Of course though, now that pensions barely exist and everyone's retirement is linked to the stock market, it doesn't really seem possible - and it would be harder for industry to raise money to build new factories, etc... but I'm sure we HAVE to come up with a better solution than we have now because it's completely unsustainable to keep going in the direction of ever-increasing wealth inequality.

... and lobby governments to produce policy that keeps them extremely profitable

This is the problem. The problem is not corporations themselves. The problem is, whenever government exerts control over the business sector (any business sector), it is just a matter of time before corporations co-opt the decision-making power and get the government to enact regulations that entrench the status-quo corporations and lock out would-be competition -- a process known as regulatory capture.

Here's a potential solution I encourage my students to evaluate and critique: transfer all regulatory power and authority in the U.S. to the individual states.

Under that scenario, if Jeff Bezos wants to get legislation enacted to hinder all would-be competitors, he has to bribe (or otherwise influence) 50 state legislatures and 50 governors, instead of just a handful of powerful D.C. politicians.

All it takes is one hold-out state to provide fertile ground for a would-be competitor to take root. Under the current system, regulatory capture is endemic and impossible to stop.

Oh. That's interesting...

I've never thought of giving the states control like that... I definitely can see how smaller industry entrants could thrive in individual states... and I guess to a degree the US already has that with several states/cities banning ridesharing apps for example.

I guess the potential unintended consequences it could make the US less efficient for industry that gets economies of scale from operating nationally... a railroad company might get all the approvals to run East to West, build all the infrastructure, and then a competitor gets them banned in a middle state which disrupts the entire business case.

Incumbents might have an advantage because they have the resources to lobby 50 states whereas a new entrant wouldn't have the resources to compete.

I know that monopolies and oligopolies are the ideal scenario for corporations, and it's hard to think through all the consequences to see if individual state laws would help or hinder that process... I think I'll have to sit with it a while... I imagine industries would be affected very differently.


What a great comment exchange I need to read it more :D thanks for the reply I’ll catch up on it!

Agreed, so many great concepts here.