
Hello, dear @azircon.

With all respect you deserve, but you could ask him directly, without problems.
I think that it is not a secret for anyone that this account belongs to him.

Piotr is not a difficult person, on the contrary, he is sociable, he is someone with whom you can always have a civilized conversation.

And please tell me: Piotr pays people to make 150 comments? Piotr has a 'monthly plan'? Dude! This is beyond creepy! Who are you people?

Dear friend @azircon.

PH does not pay anyone for commenting.
PH supports a small group of users, mostly Venezuelans, with a difficult economic situation, who do most of our publications within our community.

It is assumed that if our publications are in PH, our interaction activity (Comment) will also be within PH.
Since we have common interests when it comes to publishing topics, there are always dynamic exchanges of ideas in the comment section.

Dude! This is beyond creepy!

why are you scared? Honestly, I do not understand.

And yes, thank you for confirming that creative blue is Piotr.

In which way are you associated with Piotr, Juan?

This is a straight question to you personally. What is your relationship with Piotr?

What is your relationship with Piotr?

Piotr is my friend, partner in activities, and mentor regarding the creation and administration of social networks.

Years ago, when he began to try to surround himself with people who wanted to form a project or community, I was perhaps the first person who believed in his intentions and since then I have been by his side.
Many have been with us and left, others have remained.

I hope that all these questions you ask me will help you to have a clearer and more positive vision of us, since, maybe you could get someone to give you a biased answer by trying to project an altered reality onto our activities.
We are not bad people, we are not a mob trying to get rich or harm the Hive ecosystem.