you know its crypto.... it gets hacked.... I must explain keys... as opposed to password...
Why I have to open an account for someone else?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
you know its crypto.... it gets hacked.... I must explain keys... as opposed to password...
Why I have to open an account for someone else?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
A simple sign up. Just one option..... please! Dapps can have their own (which they do)
@slobberchops @azircon have you guys seen LeoFinance's new Lite accounts feature?
Now, users can sign up to Hive with only a Twitter account or Metamask wallet in less than 20 seconds. They don't even need to download the Hive blockchain keys right away (they're encrypted in a database and the user can choose to download them later on from their wallet page).
This is the future of onboarding, in our opinion.
Posted Using LeoFinance
At the time I did all this, the twitter option you now provide did not exist (Feb 2020). Can you integrate Facebook into this?..., that would be good!
Good job! Do you check for verified emails? And what prevents someone from draining your account tokens with fake Twitter accounts? I guess the same question is even more valid for metamask, as eth addresses have no costs attached to them.
Yes, that's the issue we have seen before with free account option. Perhaps it's now a bit lower than previously as our prices are down. I expect spam account opening ramps up if/as soon as we start rallying.
I have heard that, but didn't check. This guy is not interested in "finance" so asking him to sign up to a financial site is difficult.
You don't have to, it's an option we have as we can create accounts for others. In the case of my guy.., he's not savvy enough to work out this shit for himself, but now is used to it all and is a decent writer. I'm glad I persevered.., but to do it all again.., I probably wouldn't.