If you don't have it, I highly recommend this. Your snipe game will improve dramatically!

It was a nice touch to get the 'backfire' ability. When you are buying vouchers early, you are using the assumptions that they will be more expensive later on towards the end of the month long drop. It is a very fair assumption. So it could be correct.
The counter hypothesis is, right now people don't have too many vouchers, you can simply look at the depth chart to see that sell side is extremely thin.

This is a classic example of lot of demand and no supply. Guess what happens to the price? High...
With time people will have more vouchers so the supply side will increase. If the demand stays flat, that will drop the price. That is the counter hypothesis.
I do not have a clue what will happen, I am ready whatever comes my way.
I have it. As well as the other with backfire "pelacor deceiver". I really like low-mana cards.
Yes, I considered this when making the purchase, but I also figure that in the early days, supply will be low-ish, so I can sell what I get in and close the gap. What would be awesome, is if HIVE crashed too! :D
While the volume I bought is "significant" by the time it all shakes out, since it isn't that large, the difference won't matter too much. So far, I might have been the only one who has taken this route so early - so it will be interesting to see if I got it right - for once. :)
Yes, Pelacor Deceiver and Naga Assasin can both be used together at the Dragon-Death selection :)
I say there is nothing wrong with your hypothesis, but mind you I always say that :) I say 'yes' to all hypothesis until proven wrong.
after i realize weeks ago i dont will be able to buy 1000 packs, i change my plan to buy later and make brrrr :)