The entire point I made was that Centralization is not in any way shape or form, crypto, and that isn't any opinion but a blatant reality, I need not make a pool of the sentiment "WHAT is crypto, and WHAT it isn't" which would undoubtedly reflect said blatant reality because I am certain you are aware that it's not One Singular Person that controls Bitcoin and that is exactly how you would want it, correct? Yet, you're still trying to avoid the painful conclusion that there is nothing crypto about a cryptocurrency that could be rendered redundant by one singular actor and you're still trying to conflate price with security and ultimately, utility.
I don't think it's a plus at all, that the very people who can print at will or pull the plug on the entire thing, are spending money not on anything that Adds value, but rather to artificially inflate the demand for their token, because there is nothing Natural, Right or otherwise Sane for a Company to offer up Stock for people to buy while at the same time, it buys back stock. It's no wonder that it was considered market manipulation and deemed illegal not that long ago when common sense deemed it as headshaking Retarded then as I do now, but alas, here we are talking about how a CryptoCurrency Token is, ummm, more valuable because it can has value because it can be valuable because crypto, moon and because of awesome ruler of the LeoKingdom.