-29 C? ... brrrrrrrr... 🥶
I didn't even know electricity had a spot price -- but it appears tomorrow is a bad day to go spot in Finland!
While the electricity companies are making record profits on the back of this, the rest of the economy is going to suffer further, as people trim back on their lifestyles to cover the increased costs of living, or go further into debt.
Yeah... greed turns growth from symbiotic to parasitic. Eventually, you'd think the host would die with the parasite -- but it seems govs and corps have done a pretty good job of keeping us (the host) barely surviving on life support, though. Eeking out painful breaths under the weight of their gargantuan machine.
Strange how they have so much data informing them that a society with limited spending leads to economic downturn -- yet they do this anyway.
Not sure what the point is.
Yes. There is a drive to "do with less" as some kind of personal growth mantra, but it has been hijacked and turned into "pay more for less"
It is all about profit for the few.