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RE: Can Crypto-Economics Give Us All We Need?

Love this. But I have some thoughts...

While cryptocurrencies and their various governance protocols offer a vast new horizon for testing and discovering new possibilities and methods for achieving sustainability—there are a few things I want to mention... and ask your thoughts...

Yes, there has been—and will continue to be an inevitable shift in the list of names who hold the greatest power in both old and new financial systems. But the primary access points to these powers are still very similar:

  1. The more "value" one carries in the current financial system, the more they can benefit from the new system. This, because it's actually only a derivation (upgraded and innovative beyond measure, no doubt, but still a derivation) of a system used by humans to translate various types of value. (Note: without the old system, there would be no value in the new system - it receives the majority of its value by absorbing value from the old). And to reduce it to the most basic of statements: value is just a psychological premise guided by a number of different influences (all of which are deeply wound into human psychology - and one of them being scarcity). The concept of scarcity isn't going anywhere until humans are no longer human. It's one of our primary drivers. It's buried in our DNA.

  2. The (a) stage at which each joining entity chooses to adopt, (b) which projects they adopt, and (c) if those projects get the most attention from those who already hold the highest level of financial influence or are on the receiving end of the next Doge or Gamestop frenzy (one must be able to predict wildly illogical herd behavior - and the maximum quantity of data available is still at the fingertips of the top 1%).

  3. Expertise and ability to innovate new code (those with knowledge in STEM have a new edge). This is by far the newest way of creating value, but it's just the newest trend in innovation. It feels new because it is new. But it's the same, ever-shifting landscape of humanity—always trying to find a way out of themselves. Nevertheless, we're still people. Though, we're always creating different tools.

So, yes... Things will hopefully move forward gracefully. But no matter how wondrous "logic" looks on paper or sounds in an enticing dialogue held between a few forward-thinking people who want to change the world... We're still just people.

And in a world full of people, value is still in the eye of the beholder.

What do you think?