Ask Leo: Why do Some See Saving as an Illusion

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)


Saving is regarded by some as a lifesaver while others see it as something that can't be done regarding life and their mode of spending.

The ability to save is an illusion to some people as saving to them can't be achieved especially with the current situation of the economy.

They are many factors behind the reasons some people think this with points to buttress their thoughts on why saving can't be achieved.

Some of the reasons are the economy which is red recently, society, personal thoughts, lavish spending, and the ability to be seen or noticed among all others.

Some see saving as an illusion that can never be achieved because of their reasons or mindsets.

Though I believe those that grew up way too fast into adulthood will tell otherwise because the street was harsh and saving as being their moderators.

Everyone has the right to how they spend the money they toiled for and spends it as they see fit.

But what plans do you have for the future while doing so? I know how hard it is when you work hard and get little in return and I am not speaking to those who earn little but those who earn more but decide to enjoy life with their awesomely made motto: "No one knows tomorrow." Well, welcome to the crypto club as tomorrow may bring in the presence of the bull return. What to do then when saving has been an illusion in your space?

Do you go pleading with people to help you out? Or you find some dubious means to have your pocket filled again or perhaps dislike those who didn't help out when you needed their presence.

I know and have met with some people that don't see the need to save because of society, I want to buy this and that and make society see me. I want to be noticed and known, and truly they are known, well known in the sense that when they go hungry, people won't believe they have nothing because of what is being shown to them.

They are others who see saving as a liability, they believe it is better to spend the money on things needed now than save for the future yet unknown.

I have a friend who says "spend it all and worry less about tomorrow, it might turn out to be better than today" isn't that our want though? That things get better which prompts us to save but in this case of hers, what if tomorrow turns out not to be as good as today was?..

There is one thing I stay away from which is debt, and in order not to be in debt I learned to spend wisely never forgetting my scale of preference, you don't have to study economics to know that, It is what we find ourselves doing. Which is the most reason I save thank goodness Hive came in which is another way to save and help safeguard the future.

What are your plans for the future? Is saving part of what you do? If yes, reasons please, and if No, reasons too.

Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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there is a saying, saving is the origin of the rich, the habit of saving is a good thing to do and sets an example

Agreeable...thanks for your valuable reply..