We are all aware of the recent trend in the financial world, Cryptocurrency and we are also beneficiaries of a major Cryptocurrency network.
There have always been a problem on how to exchange value. If we go back to history, we would find out what that the barter system was really a whole lot of stress. People had to carry assets around, the wasn't even exchange of value, security problems, people require a lot of space to store their assets.
Businesses that require long distance activities, for example, setting out to buy raw materials and all, required merchants to travel with their means of payment which require space, energy and time to transport it.
Imagine trying to import oil and you have to pay the sellers in gold, you would have to first transport the gold and also transport the oil. Sounds like stress to me.
Humans, evolved and digital banking which did make things easier, became the savior but we still have problems with the system. I'm going to talk few of which I can think of. You can add others that I didn't mention in the comment section.
Payment Restriction
You would agree with me that your local bank account can't transfer money to another local account in another country. This is really a problem that still exist till today.
Business transaction get restricted because of this. I'm a living witness of this kind of issue. I trade Cryptocurrency and my client wanted me to pay him into a dollar account, I couldn't readily send his money because I don't have s dollar account.
It would take a lot of time for me to get a dollar account and it's expensive too. I lost the deal, which could have made me richer. Well, what can we do to solve this kind of a situation?
Transaction Limitation
You would agree with me that local banks have a way to give excuses to restrict one from transacting high amount of money. I'm I right?
This is a frustrating act. This guy would require you to bring a lot of documents to be able to use your own money. Well, it sounds like stress to me. I don't know about you.
Third party interference
This local banks can get very annoying. You would have heard or experienced banks closing or freezing accounts of their customers. Why? Because they have access to the bank. Sounds like slavery to me. In my country, quite a number of people's banks have been frozen because they made transactions that don't interest the bank. On my money?
There are a lot more, but I'm tired of writing about this annoying banks, I have to preserve my mental state. (Laughs)
There is already a solution to all these problems, it just needs to be embraced.
Cryptocurrency the solution
Cryptocurrency users would agree with me that you don't have to have a big land to store your assets, you don't have to do do any verification to own a Cryptocurrency wallet, your account can't be frozen, you can transaction any amount of money you want.
All I see in Cryptocurrency is freedom and just know that a slave master would do anything to keep his slave. It's in the hands of the slave to set himself free. The government don't like Cryptocurrency, I'm sure you are aware that that government don't want you to be free and you just got to know about another proof.
Banks don't like Cryptocurrency, they always want restrict and steal your money.
It's your decision to either stay with your slave masters or be free from them.
My pen is heavy so I'm dropping it right here.
I published this article on read.cash https://read.cash/@baned/cryptocurrency-the-future-66f20030
Most of the time, they will encounter bandits on the way. They will be rob of their goods or gold 🤦
Oh yeah iska, I didn't even think about that.
Thank you iska.
Hahaha, I am happy to contribute 😊