I will definitely use this opportunity to transfer funds, perhaps today I will try to figure out this, not the easiest interface)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I will definitely use this opportunity to transfer funds, perhaps today I will try to figure out this, not the easiest interface)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's not as complicated as it looks... You just enter your username on the left and click on the number of your tokens... It auto-fills the amount in the right field... Just change it to the amount you want and click SWAP... confirm with Keychain, and that's it... ;)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It did not work, the keys are not active, but, it's okay, beeswap did a good job)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Weird... When I do the steps that I said to you, it takes a couple of seconds until HiveKeychain pops out to confirm the transaction... But, it worked every time... Maybe @theguruasia can help you in finding the solution?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks, I'll try to figure out the functionality.
We added 10 seconds delay before popping-up hive-keychain. Because we are double checking whether the account has enough liquidity to process the swap.@ph1102, @barski,
It has 2 interfaces
Hi @barski, https://upmeswap.github.io/ https://swaphive.github.io/swap/
Thanks, I'll check the links.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta