I'm still just a voter. I have no idea/clue how to figure out if a post has been set to reward.app, and am unlikely to go searching for that information. Even if the team at PeakD were to add another icon to the vote-payout line that would clearly show the post is reward.app enabled, i don't think it would effect my voting much at all.
I still believe there is room on Hive for all types of post, and for a lot of various reward systems, and ROI systems. People need to remember that commerce is a two way street. Money comes in and money goes out. If it only came in, it serves no purpose, if it only flows out it will run out and lose any value.
Like any investment there are short traders, and long holders and all the various groups in-between.
I think it would be the same for many perhaps - except the optimizers. But then, I think it would be interesting to see how it all gets handled.
Yes, and this is an opt-in system - some people opt to look long, some look very short indeed.