Same thing as happened to the small farmers in America during the mid nineties. It was more cost effective and more fuel efficient for big business to farm than it was for the small to medium farmers. And now the second land grab is underway in America, I don't know if Gates is buying farms in other countries or not, but a land grab by him none the less, just for the sake of control.
If you want to be rich, you have to own something - and farms are out of the price range for normal people.
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Land of any nature is getting hard to find and own, and in America you really do not get to own the land. If oil or other minerals are found then the companies can come in and destroy your land with out any real permission from the land owner. Most land owners do not even enjoy water rights in America. It is pretty much a mess over here.
Water is going to cause the next big wars I guess..
Seems like when I lived in California there were constant water wars. Most likely there still are they just no longer make the headlines since it is almost a daily thing there, or I think the water wars are still going between the north and south of California with the central valley farmlands caught in the middle.