I absolutely agree. For some reason my mind often thinks in terms of selling the whole of a coin while its high...imagining that i might buy it back during a dip. But in truth I never do this, I just HODL in fear! haha. But Im glad, because even though hindsight makes you feel regret sometimes, the long game is the sweetest of all. Why would I want to spend my life being a trader anyway? I would rather risk losing it all by being parked in the wrong coins. I dont need the stress!
Anyway, Ive gone off point. Definitely dont sell ALL of one coin. I agree : )
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I have also been like you sometimes, selling all and thinking of buying deep which sometimes never happens....wrong idea.
I remember trading/owning 1 Sora when it was around the $50-70 by buying and selling it in that range.
I realized that I never bought it back after I kept trading it!!
It is now trading in the $450-600 price range just 6-8 months later!!!
We should never sell all of our coins hehe
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
we have to experience it to learn it though right! hehe
it is the only way : )
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Diamond Paws
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