Hey I saw you commented about SPT governance. I looked at it and voting threshold is 20 million I control 2.6 million which is 2-3 largest votes right now. I want to get up to 40 million and with my new venture its possible. I am starting what will be called the SPL Digital Asset Group which will be a investment fund/club for splinterlands that focuses on stable income by using stable coins to generate yield then investing that yield 25% back to stable coins, 10% risky new hive projects, 10% start up digital asset ventures, 5% SPT, 25% SPS, LAND, Rare Cards, NFTs, referral crowd funding for the club. The clubs goal right now is to fund the first investments by having people vote on the @byebye account some random account of mine just going to use for fundraising and expressing initial interest then the SPLG Digital Asset Club partnership will be formned and any voting proceeds received by voting on your comment to the various fundraising posts I will be posting which will help me gather a list and benefit everyone who votes as well as they get part of the votes proceeds added directly to there equity lowering there referral bonus req to join. This club will be funded entirely free of cost other than from money related to specific referrals which cost you nothing and voting as well those proceeds can be added to so once you join you can vote on your club account which counts as a contribution. After closing we will have weekly purchases and the lockup is 1-10 years depending. Distributions will be provided weekly possibly daily.
Posted using Splintertalk
This sounds interesting. It's a lot to process though. A spreadsheet or a table will give me a better idea of what you're creating.
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile